Web logs (Page 108)

Bulletin – week of December 20, 2015

Hearty greetings to all who have come to worship! Let us join in the spirit of the psalmist who said: “I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; lo, I have not restrained my lips … I have spoken of thy faithfulness and thy salvation.” (Psalm 40:9 ff.) Warmly, eagerly let us praise God and extend love to one another.  Message: “A Cure For The Troubled Heart” Scripture: John 14:1-6 Offering: Outreach Fund  December 20, 2015…

Welcome to the updated Hope in Christ website

Hello world! Welcome to the updated Hope in Christ website.  We are currently transitioning over to a new layout so please pardon our dust as we upgrade.  Please feel free to poke around and comment and make suggestions when able.