Web logs (Page 15)

True Community requires Fellowshipping

A Thought experiment Imagine a group of people where no one ever talked to each other, or hung out together, or was aware of the happenings in each other’s lives.  Now imagine the same group but instead of never talking, these folks never stopped talking; instead of never hanging out, these people are always together; and instead of being unaware, they are intimately aware of one another including the good, the bad, and the indifferent things that are happening in…

True Community Requires Fellowship

Imagine a group of people where no one ever talked to each other, or hung out together, or was aware of the happenings in each other’s lives. Now imagine the same group but instead of never talking, these folks never stopped talking; instead of never hanging out, these people are always together; and instead of being unaware, they are intimately aware of one another including the good, the bad, and the indifferent things that are happening in each other’s lives.…