Web logs (Page 23)

Four Approaches to Race, Politics, and Gender

Kevin DeYoung had a great way of looking at race, politics and gender in a way that may be more gracious than some of the other approaches of pigeon holing those we disagree with.  Highly encourage the read.  To whet your appetite, here is a sample table from his article using his four types of people and applying it to certain issues. Table 2 (Politics and Gender) Trump Christian Nationalism Wearing Masks Sexual Abuse Gender Roles Contrite No! The church’s…

The core issue in any addiction is with the Heart

Dr. Tripp nails the core issue with sexual sin, monetary sin, and I would add, any sin is with one’s relationship with God.  It is a heart issue.  Listen to this 4 minutes and be blessed. ⬆️ Your problem needs to be solved vertically before it'll ever be fixed horizontally. pic.twitter.com/Yah0NIslR7 — Paul David Tripp (@PaulTripp) March 16, 2021  

How should Christians disagree with others? (Dr. Scott Redd, RTS)

Another great video from Reformed Theological Seminary: Is there anything we can affirm in the other’s position? Where is our common ground? Do I rightly understand their position?  Can I state their position in a way they would affirm is their position? There are times for public disagreement and there are times when disagreement should be private. You can watch the 4 minutes here: