Web logs (Page 78)

Bulletin – Week of June 4, 2017

We take pleasure in your presence today and at every worship service. Please introduce yourself to anyone you don’t know. Friendliness is always an inspiration. Message: Pentecost is About Harvesting the Lost Scripture: Acts 2: 1-41 Offering: General Fund June 4, 2017 Order of Worship Gathering Song:  Awake My Soul  Call to Worship:  Isaiah 61:1-3 Songs of Praise: Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here  Spirit of the Living God Fall Fresh on Me  Holy Spirit Living Breath of God Offering:…

News that you might not be hearing elsewhere…

Here are a series of articles worth considering and a link to more if you like: VICTORY: Court affirms Christian’s right to refuse in good faith to make ‘LGBT Pride’ shirts Creating babies from skin cells turns procreation into transaction: scientist Oregon SB494 on Euthanasia via denying food and water Opioids and broken families For those wanting to read more interesting things related to society, government and culture, I recommend the  Social Conservative Review.

A thought on God’s grace, our sufferings and trust

“It has been said God will never lead us where his grace cannot keep us. We must realize that sometimes his plan does not include a miraculous deliverance from illness, death, or oppression. Yet his grace is sufficient, and he has not abandoned us. We must trust that God would not lead us to a place of ministry or work without an adequate measure of his grace to make it. Sometimes his plan involves simply seeing us through an ordeal…

Pentecost is about the Harvest of the Lost POHFW

Preparing our Hearts to Worship   In an effort to help you prepare for the June 4th, 2017, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on Pentecost. I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “Pentecost is about the harvest of the lost”. The main Scripture for the day is Acts 2. The other passages are either referenced in…

5 Simple Questions to ask when studying your Bible?

  When a book is as weighty and important as the Bible, it is important that we study it. But more important than studying it, is that we study it well. Because Christians inherently understand these two things, many are scared to undertake their own study of the Bible out of a fear of being led astray. As I have been trying to simplify the task of Bible Study in order to teach my children, I have found that these…

A follow up thought from Sunday’s message

I ran across this quote today during my devotions.  There is a stirring story behind the quote about a Nigerian woman whose husband was killed after Shariah law was declared.  Suffering, hardship and pain were her lot.  But this quote gives us hope.  Let it encourage you today. It has been said God will never lead us where his grace cannot keep us. We must realize that sometimes his plan does not include a miraculous deliverance from illness, death, or…

Bulletin – Week of May 28, 2017

 “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place” (Acts 2:1, NRSV). As we celebrate the Church’s birthday, we pray that the Holy Spirit may empower us and unify us so that we are truly “one in Christ.” Welcome, friends! We rejoice in your presence. Message: Raising the Dead Scripture: 1Kings 17:17-24  Offering: General Fund Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Bud and Lorraine Brouwer, Marlene Butenschoen, Mike and Diane Button,…

The Story of the Bible

“The Story of the Bible” is an animated introduction to the message and layout of the Bible, especially useful for someone who is just starting to learn about God’s word. It also is helpful for mature believers to view,  because it provides  a great example of how to explain God’s plan of redemption from creation to Jesus’ return in just 5 minutes!