Web logs (Page 82)

The sins of not evangelizing int he local church

Joel Beeke discusses some of the sins of modern evangelism: Prayerlessness, lacking zeal and understanding of the eternal state of men, accommodation to modern desires, lack of clarity in presenting the Gospel The Need for a Living Evangelism in the Local Church from NCFIC on Vimeo.

Bulletin – Week of April 9, 2017

On this Palm Sunday, help us to understand its meaning and to rejoice as we hail our courageous Lord, Jesus Christ. Message: Comfort Is Not The Goal Scripture: Romans 8:18 Offering: General Fund Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Joe Pruitt, Debra Reamer, Mona Reardon, Don and Darlys Recker, David and Ida Richards, Elizabeth and Morgan Roberts. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything…

Comfort is not the Goal – POHFW

Preparing our Hearts to Worship Comfort is not the Goal   In an effort to help you prepare for the April 9th, 2017, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on the question, “Is it worth risking everything for God?”, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “Comfort is not the Goal”. The main Scripture for the day…

Governments and Budgets – where is the boundary line?

Just because a government is capable of taxing its citizens and giving the money to another citizen or state doesn’t mean it is a good idea.  Recently I was reading an article from our CRC brothers north of the 49th parallel that was extolling the fact that Christians could and should rejoice that money is being given to all sorts of social causes and international issues.  This seems to be to be a fundamental misunderstanding of government and a blurring…

Articles worth reading to stay up on culture:

Here are some articles worth your time in order to understand the world, the nation, and the faith: Religious Liberty: a Primer PA Boy told to tolerate changing with girls in public school locker room OR Judge Day and the political left, remember all things Oregonian find their way into WA Euthanasia and Organ harvesting The incoherence of Transgenderism If you want to read some other good articles related to culture, faith and politics.  See this blog listing.