Bulletin (Page 12)

True Community Involves Incorporating Others

As we continue to reflect upon Biblical Community this year, we consider another aspect of vibrant community – its ability to incorporate others into the fabric and life of the existing community. Any group of people that is unable to incorporate others will eventually flounder and die out as the members do the same. But what does it mean to incorporate others? To incorporate means to include, enfold or absorb. When a community is able to bring others into the…

Gun Rights? How should Christians think about these things?

The Gospel Coalition has started a great set of debates it appears.  The first of these is on gun ownership.  A pro and con argument made by two theologians that are both concerned for preserving life.  It would be easy to listen to the debate and just let one side reinforce your prior belief.  But I encourage you to listen openly and consider deeply the arguments offered, allow yourself to be changed and informed because you truly come to understand…

Who’s the loudest is not who’s true!

If one is conscious of drawing one’s convictions from a solid, deep-rooted tradition, one inevitably has a sense of quiet assurance in one’s beliefs and a feeling that is the reverse of touchy defensiveness. If, on the other hand, one is bursting with notions which gush from sheer personal predilection operative outside the discipline of any tested tradition, one will naturally have a strong urge to advertise and justify them.  In other words, it is off-centre thinkers who tend to…