Bulletin (Page 23)

The core issue in any addiction is with the Heart

Dr. Tripp nails the core issue with sexual sin, monetary sin, and I would add, any sin is with one’s relationship with God.  It is a heart issue.  Listen to this 4 minutes and be blessed. ⬆️ Your problem needs to be solved vertically before it'll ever be fixed horizontally. pic.twitter.com/Yah0NIslR7 — Paul David Tripp (@PaulTripp) March 16, 2021  

How should Christians disagree with others? (Dr. Scott Redd, RTS)

Another great video from Reformed Theological Seminary: Is there anything we can affirm in the other’s position? Where is our common ground? Do I rightly understand their position?  Can I state their position in a way they would affirm is their position? There are times for public disagreement and there are times when disagreement should be private. You can watch the 4 minutes here: