Bulletin (Page 27)

Is your god sovereign?

Sovereign.  That isn’t a word we use very often.  It is an adjective that is used to describe one who has ‘supreme or ultimate power’ according to the oxford online dictionary.  To the Christian there is a powerfully freeing truth in the statement: The God of the Bible is Almighty and sovereign! In this statement, the God revealed in the Bible is declared to have All-might, or all power.  This means that nothing is beyond, our God’s ability to perform. …

Check if your ballot was rejected

Hey church family, Voting is important.  Here is a site where you can check to see if your ballot was rejected for some discrepancy.  If it was rejected you are able to go to the county and ‘make it right’.  In this age of controversy, make sure your ballot counts… https://votewashington.info/voter/wa/wm/ballot/rejected

Corporate Responsibility for Social Problems

I was doing some research today regarding a classical issue that has come to my attention when I stumbled upon an Schaver’s The Polity of the Churches. First published in 1937, my copy was from 1947.  It is a kind of church order commentary, if you will from its day.  The chapter that caught my attention was entitled “Social Problems”.  Let me excerpt a small sections from the opening paragraph for your reflection: When Social Problems Ecclesiastical:  It is declared…