Bulletin (Page 28)

Pastoral Reflections on the First Presidential Debate of 2020

On Tuesday Night, I sat with my family and watched the first presidential debate of the election season.  And yes, we watched the entire thing, from beginning to end.  Now, you may be thinking, “Why would you subject yourself and your family to that?”  The short answer is “Because it is a civic responsibility.”  Each of us lives in a democratic republic and that means we, the people, have been entrusted with a great responsibility to learn about the candidates,…

Dr. Scott Swain on Streaming the Lord’s Supper

Though I disagree with his short answer that the Lord’s Supper should not be streamed, I do however believe that Dr. Swain brings up a number of worthy things that we can and should consider.  My reasons for disagreeing are differences in perspective on what it means to be the gathered body.  I believe that God’s people are gathered during this Covid-19 reality even when they are not in the same physical space.  For many of our people, their health…

Abortion Laws, Funding etc by State

For those wanting to understand what abortion legislation looks like across the country, this is a great site that pictorially represents 4 areas related to Abortion: Born Alive Protections, Late tErm abortions, Fetal Dignity and Defunding Tax payer supported Abortion Providers   https://frc.org/prolifemaps  

New Documentary on What SeXXX ed looks like

If you want to watch this documentary it is free on Friday to stream. Do you know what your kids are being taught in school? U.S. Public School Sex Ed curricula is careening out of control. For a very limited time, the Pacific Justice Institute proudly presents a free, streamed documentary film, “Sexxx ED: Let Parents Decide.” Streaming on Friday, August 21 only, this documentary will GRAPHICALLY highlight what our children and grandchildren are being taught in public school. At all times alarming,…