Bulletin (Page 32)

A Prayer Guide for April – from LOWPC

The Light of the World Prayer Center has provided us a wonderful resource again this month to pray for a wide range of topics and life which we encounter every day: Church, Media, Business, Healthcare, Government, Family, Education etc…

Free Homeschooling and parenting Conference

Hey Church, If you want to get equipped as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or homeschoolers, the Christian Heritage group is presenting a free conference over April 6-10 that will include speakers; Kevin Swanson, Michael Farris, Ted Tripp, Lou Priolo, Ken Sande, and many others.  But you need to register ahead of time. All presentations will be available for 24hours from their launch time for free. Register here and look over all the speakers and workshops: https://homeschoolsummits.com/parenting/  

A Meditation on Psalm 34 – Regent Theological Seminary

Regent Theological Seminary, just across the border, put out this meditation on Psalm 34 in their student chapel today which came via email: Scriptural Meditation Psalm 34 We encourage you to take some time today to contemplate Psalm 34 (or even just a portion of it). You could do this alone with the Lord, or perhaps you could have a time of communal lectio divina with your household or over Zoom with some friends. Here are the questions we’ve pondered in our lectio divina meditations over…

A reminiscence on banking

Today I was reminded of my time in Zambia.  I awoke this morning and thought, “I need to go to the bank and deposit my paycheck.”  Normally this is a 10 minute trip on the way home from the office one evening, but with the Shelter in place proclamation and the Coronavirus swirling around business, the bank lobby is closed.  So as I took my place in the queue, I was reminded of the various lines that banking took in…

Bellingham’s reusable Grocery Bag dilemma

This is a repost of part of an article from the Cornwall Alliance.  It shows how our best intentions often have unintended consequences.  In this case our concern for protecting the environment may actually be exposing people to more illness. Reusable Grocery Bags Can Help Spread Corona Virus, Now Banned in New Hampshire The Cornwall Alliance has shared information for years about the dangers of reusable bags if you don’t wash them. This isn’t a new concept; here is an article in…

A Mayo Clinic Researcher and Reformed Christian talk to us about the church and coronavirus

Great 25 minutes from Reformed Theological Seminary on some of the basics of Coronavirus and how the church should be responding. It is a dialogue with a reformed Christian who is the director of one of the Mayo clinics and also a student at RTS: Crisis, Christ, and Confidence Episode 1: Wisdom for the Church about Gathering In this first episode of “Crisis, Christ, and Confidence,” Dr. Poland joins Drs. David Garner and Peter Lillback to discuss the recent COVID-19…

Praying for Guidance POHFW

Preparing our Hearts to Worship In an effort to help you prepare for the March 29, 2020, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on Prayer.  I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “Praying for Guidance.” The main Scripture for the day is Daniel 2:1-24.   (Pick and choose from the many resources and options, which I have…

A meditation on Covid (submitted by Clair Abee)

Meditation on Covid 19 Denial of scary facts…it exists, it is unanticipated. It is overwhelming. It brings death and fear and loss and isolation. It attacks our vulnerable…and anyone. They say our defense to such a virus…stay isolated, alone, separated; be withdrawn, self-protected…selfish. But the related shutdown has consequences…costs, destruction of life-works, delayed learning skills, loss of commitments, broken agreements, lost/compromised values. Heartaches. From the past…a memory of a motivation. 4 Spiritual Laws – The Gospel. (We are) Created for…