Bulletin (Page 80)

Elijah Confronting Idolatry POHFW

Preparing our Hearts to Worship Elijah Confronting Idolatry   In an effort to help you prepare for the May 14th, 2017, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on the Life of Elijah. I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “Elijah: Confronting Idolatry”. The main Scripture for the day is 1Kings 17:1-7. The other passages are either referenced…

Bulletin – Week of May 7, 2017

All of us are members of God’s family. Welcome fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, all blood relatives and all spiritual relatives. Message: Praying in Love For Others Scripture: 1Th. 3:10-13 Offering: General Fund and GEMS Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Donna VanBeek, John and Jean Van Hemert, Roland and Esther Vanden Bos, Len and Terry Vander Woude and Deacon Ali Laninga. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in…

Worship or idolatry?

“What the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind justifies” – Thomas Cranmer This simple statement, if we consider it, will either lead us to greater worship of the Lord and obedience to his Word or it will make us aware of our idolatry and leave us without excuse.  In the first option, we will see our propensity for loving things other than God and be repentant. After which we will refocus our love on the Lord and receive…

Praying in Love

Preparing our Hearts to Worship   In an effort to help you prepare for the April 30th, 2017, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on Prayer. I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “Praying in Love”. The main Scripture for the day is 1Thessalonians 2:17-3:13. The other passages are either referenced in the message or provide additional…

Bulletin – Week of April 30, 2017

With genuine joy, we welcome all who have come to praise our Creator. There are no strangers here —  we are all children of the heavenly Father. Message: Walking With Him Scripture: Micah 4:1-5 (Isaiah 2:2-5) Offering: Benevolence Fund April 30, 2017 This week we are asked to pray for Don and Elaine Snapper, Aaron and Megan Speyer and their children, Lanny and Christine Speyer, Ruth Stadt, Vicki Tyner-Seim, Kylie Thramer. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth,…