Bulletin (Page 84)

Bulletin – Week of March 12, 2017

We are grateful for all who have come to worship our Creator today. Let us come together with joy and love in our hearts. Bless you, friends, and be assured that you are indeed welcome. Message: The Fear of God Scripture:  Eccl. 12:13 Offering: General Fund Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Anne Geleynse, Darryl and Gloria Groothuis, Dan Grover, Jerry and Faye Hop, Mark Ireland and Jr. Johnson. Suggestions for prayers would be for their…

The Fear of the Lord (POHFW)

Preparing our Hearts to Worship In an effort to help you prepare for the March 12th, 2017, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on the question, “Is it worth risking everything for God?”, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “The Fear of the Lord”. The main Scripture for the day is Ecclesiastes 12:13. The other passages…

Bulletin – Week of March 5, 2017

With heartfelt joy, we welcome all who have come to worship our Lord. Greetings! May God bless you abundantly. Message: The Greatness of God Scripture: 1Chronicles 29:10-13 Offering: General Fund Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Scott Emory, Paulino and Georgi Estrada and Markus, Jessie Figenbaum, Virginia Figenbaum, Karen Funk. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind…

The Greatness of God (POHFW)

Preparing our Hearts to Worship The Greatness of God In an effort to help you prepare for the March 5th, 2017, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on the question, “Is it worth risking everything for God?”, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “God’s Greatness”. The main Scripture for the day is 1Chronicles 29:10-13. The other…

Bulletin – week of February 26, 2017

We are very happy to have everyone present at this service of worship. It is here that we can find light for any darkness. It is here that we may find the blessings and comfort which God alone can offer. Welcome! Message: The God Who Seeks And Saves The Lost Scripture: Jonah 4:4-11   Offering: General Fund Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Sissy Davis, Chuck Dean, Dave and Lisa DeSalvo, Chris and Jeanette Dillard and their…

Cramming life with Good Things and missing the Best

Joel Beeke talks about one of the dangers in living the Christian life.  Before you watch this 1:30 second clip, read Luke 10:38-42, the story of Mary and Martha,  and then consider these questions: What is God’s best for me? How much time do I have available in order to pursue God’s best? What can I give up in order to find more time for the best and not the good? Cramming Life With Too Many Good Things from NCFIC…