Bulletin (Page 99)

Lessons from a Hospital Bed

  How will you use the precious moments God gives you during your next hospital stay? Will you complain? Will you wonder about God’s goodness? Will you hang on by sheet force of will? Or will you take the opportunity now to prepare so that God is glorified, your soul is fed and Christ is proclaimed? In his short booklet by the same name as this article, John Piper presents a number of lessons he learned while undergoing a procedure…

The Fellowship Offering

The Fellowship Offering and the Christian – Preparing our Hearts to Worship   In an effort to help you prepare for the July 10th, 2016, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on how the Old Testament Sacrifices pointed to Christ, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “The Fellowship Offering and the Christian”. The main Scripture for…

July Day2Pray

Hope in Christ’s DAY2PRAY Wednesday, July 6th CHURCH: Please pray for the Hispanic churches for a spirit of unity, evangelism, and discipleship to the 15,000 Hispanics in our county. For a great relationship and partnership between our Christian schools and our local churches. Pray for Hope in Christ’s Vitality and  Renewal process. GOVERNMENT: Pray that our government would return to its founding and a constitutional form of government. FAMILY: Pray for numbers of men in prayer of Whatcom Co. to…

Bulletin – Week of July 3, 2016

Bulletin – Week of July 3, 2016 Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Dan & Tanya Obbink and their children, Lisa Oppenhuizen, Dale & Delores Perry, Joe Pruitt and Debra Reamer. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. We lift up Sissy Davis, a member of our Friendship group, who is currently residing at Shuksan…

The Grain Offering and Christ- POHFW

  In an effort to help you prepare for the July 3rd, 2016, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on how the Old Testament Sacrifices pointed to Christ, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “The Grain Offering and Christ”. The main Scripture for the day is Leviticus 2. The other passages are either referenced in the…

Bulletin – Week of June 26, 2016

Whoever you are, God loves you. Therefore, we celebrate your presence in God’s house. Please extend your hand in friendship to those around you. Welcome! This week we are asked to pray for Herm and Ali Laninga, Carmen Larsen, Arbadella McAlister, Solomon and Rosa McAlister and their children, Linda McConnaughey. We lift up Sissy Davis, a member of our Friendship group, who is currently residing at Shuksan Healthcare Center. Sissy may be at the healthcare center for several weeks as…

Bulletin – Week of June 19, 2016

This morning we welcome guest pastor; Jon Niville — to our pulpit as he share’s God’s Word with us. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “God evidently does not intend us all to be rich, or powerful or great, but God does intend us all to be friends.” Welcome, friends, one and all! This week we are asked to pray for Marilyn Kaiser, Wilma Kelln, Don and Connie Knutson, Brian and Melissa Koning and their children, Lou and Evelyn Kooistra. Suggestions for…