Pastor (Page 11)

Pastor’s Blog

7 Prayers for the 2018 Elections…(Without getting into Politics!)

From Jason Hubbard at the Light of the World Prayer Center: 1 Timothy 2:1–4 (ESV), “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all people to be saved and to come…

Congregational Bible Reading for the Week of August 12, 2018 2 Maccabees

For the Week of August 12-18, you will notice that our Congregational Bible reading is entirely focused upon an  Apocryphal work. This is due to the length of the work and the historical importance it has in giving the history immediately prior to the beginning of the New Testament. Below are links to the texts to read this week: Apocryphal Book – 2 Maccabees 1-8; 2 Maccabees 9-15. Apocryphal Book – 2 Esdras 3:1-9:25 This will take roughly 2.5 hours to…

Congregational Bible Reading for Week of August 12, 2018 1 Maccabees

For the Week of August 12-18, you will notice that our Congregational Bible reading is entirely in an Apocryphal book.  This is due to the size of this week’s Apocryphal work and the historical bearing is plays into the History immediately before the beginning of the New Testament.  Below are links to the texts to read this week: Belgic Confession Article 6 Apocryphal Book – 1 Maccabees 1-8; 1 Maccabees 9-16 This will take roughly 2.5 hours to read.

Congregational Bible Reading for the Week of August 5, 2018

For the Week of Aug 5-August 11, you will notice that our Congregational Bible reading includes 2 additional elements beyond the Psalms.  We will reread a passage from the Belgic Confession on the Apocrypha and continue with an actual Apocryphal book(s) or section each week for the next few weeks in preparation for a sermon later this summer discussing a number of apocryphal works.  Below are links to the texts to read this week: Psalms 1-14 Belgic Confession Article 6…

Congregational Bible Reading for Week of July 29, 2018

For the Week of July 29-August 4, you will notice that our Congregational Bible reading includes 2 additional elements beyond the Psalms.  We will reread a passage from the Belgic Confession on the Apocrypha and continue with an actual Apocryphal book(s) or section each week for the next few weeks in preparation for a sermon later this summer discussing a number of apocryphal works.  Below are links to the texts to read this week: Psalms 40-52 Belgic Confession Article 6…

Congregational Bible Reading for Week of July 22-28, 2018

For the Week of July 22-28, you will notice that our Congregational Bible reading includes 2 additional elements beyond the Psalms.  We will begin reading a passage from the Belgic Confession on the Apocrypha and continue with an actual Apocryphal book(s) or section each week for the next few weeks in preparation for a sermon later this summer discussing a number of apocryphal works.  Below are links to the texts to read this week: Psalms 15-27 Belgic Confession Article 6…

The False Prophet in the Old and New Testament

The False Prophet False prophets speaks lies and words that their clients want to hear (1Kin 22).  They are ‘misled’ and ‘guided astray’ (Isa 9:15-16). Their messages are always “pleasant things” and they “speak illusions” (Isa 30:11) and from their own ‘imagination’ (Ezek 13:17-21).  They proclaim peace but peace never happens (Jer 28:9) and Jeremiah uses this tactic to force a false prophet to set a timeline for peace from Babylon which never materializes (Jer 28:16).  Thus we can learn that the false…

Miscellaneous Teaching on Prophecy

Miscellaneous Teaching on Prophecy ·     it is different than revelation, knowledge and words of instruction (1Cor 14:6). ·     The prophets of old were persecuted and the disciples of the new covenant will have the same kind of treatment (Mat 5:12). ·     The woman with the 5 husbands declares Jesus to be a prophet based upon his ability to know details of her life which she hadn’t revealed to him (John 4:19).  The blind man healed declares him a prophet based upon the miracle he…