Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 20)

Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 20)

The Kingdom of God as the Foundation of Political Life (Psalm 146)

Sermon Outline   Introduction Psalm 146 Call to worship (Ps 146:1-2, Dt 6:5) Implications of an improperly oriented worship life (Ps 146:3-4) We tend to worship political figures. Implications of a properly oriented worship life Don’t put your trust in princes Reason: Princes are only human God alone is to be relied upon (Ps 146:5-10) God’s unique character: (Ps 146:6) Creator of All (Ps 146:6ab) David Innes, Christ and the Kingdoms of Men realms and rulers[1] Faithful (Ps 146:6c) God’s…

Jesus came to bring Light to the World (John 8:12)

Sermon Outline Pure darkness is disorienting Light in Scripture Light is an important theme in the Bible from the opening to the closing pages God creates light on the first day (Gen 1:3-4, 14-18) God removes light as punishment (Ex 10:23). God leads his people ‘in a pillar of fire to give them light’ (Ex 13:21) Light is part of the Tabernacle (Ex 25:31-40, 27:20) Light is used as a metaphor for the Laws of God (Job 24:13-17) Light is…

Jesus came so we can know God (Galatians 4:4-9)

Sermon Outline   Christmas is a wonderful holiday The Fullness of time (Gal 4:4, Mt 3:17, Jn 3:16) The Christmas Story The Bare Facts of Christmas (Gal 4:4) The Son of God is born of a woman (Lk 7:28) The Son of God was born under the law And his entrance into the world was for 2 reasons (Gal 4:5) To redeem Jews To grant adoption to Gentiles Gifts of Sons (Gal 4:6-9) Recipients of Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14-16) Ability…

John 4:3-24 Jesus came to give us hearts that truly worship

Sermon Outline Describe the perfect worship service. Where? What happening?  Who is present? What are you doing? Context (John 4:3-6, Gen 33:18-20, 34:25-27, 48:22) The Gift of God (John 4:10) Is the Gift Jesus Himself? (John 3:16) Is the Gift the Holy Spirit? (John 7:38-39) YES! It is both (John 14-17, 4:21) Worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truth True Worship has nothing to do with external location (John 4:21, 23) True worship isn’t about place True worship isn’t about…

Jesus came to give us a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-40; Hebrews 8-10 )

SERMON OUTLINE     I.              Introducing Advent Series II.            New Covenant a.    Context (Jer 19:9, Lam 4:10, Jer 31:31) b.    The Hope of reconciliation (Jer 31:31, Lk 22:20, Jer 11:10, 13) c.    A Regenerating Covenant (Jer 31:33-34, 2Cor 3:3, John 16:7, 13) d.    A Covenant with Forgiveness (Jer 31:34) e.    A Covenant without end (Jer 31:35-40) III.          Jesus and the New Covenant a.    The old covenant blood purified the flesh (Heb 8:13) b.    New Covenant Blood purifies the conscience (Heb 8:14) c.    The New covenant redeems us from Sin (Heb 9:15,…

30 Humility in the Christian life (Luke 14:7-11, 18:9-14)

  Sermon Outline Introduction Examples & Review Roadmap for Today Humility through 2 parables (Lk 14:7-11, 18:9-14) Both end with nearly identical statements (Lk 14:11, 18:14) In our first story humility is closely related to honor and shame, or said another way – our relationship to others. In the second, humility is related to our relationship with God Humility is not Comparing myself with others (Lk 14:7) Assuming I am worthier than others (Lk 14:8, 18:11-12) Not bashfulness, resignation, mousiness……

What Gentleness Is and is not (1Kings 12:1-14 and John 8:1-11)

Sermon outline Gentleness is not… Rehoboam’s story (1Kings 12:1-14) How would you feel hearing this kind of response from one you were asking for relief? How do you think Rehoboam felt being summoned and having the terms of his kingship dictated to him? A Harsh Answer (Prov 15:1) Gentleness is hard to define in positive terms, but it is easy to recognize its absence The harsh speech of Rehoboam. The pride that translates into a lack of concern and care…

27 The Weapon of Goodness (Romans 12:9-21)

Sermon Outline   Stories to Ponder William Ladd Sheep Problem A Hiking Husband An injured soldier A Divorced Woman Natural Inclinations – eye for eye, tooth for tooth… The Weapon of Goodness Romans 12:9-21 appears on first glance to be a list of disconnected commands But the passage isn’t disconnected there are 2 structural details that I would like to draw your attention to: Internal/External (Rom 12:10-13/14-21) Chiasm (Rom 12:9, 14, 21) A Christian Response to evil A Divorced Woman…

26 Growing in Patience (James 5:7-11)

Sermon Outline   Patience James on Patience (James 1:3, 1:12, 5:7-11) James 1:3 testing of our faith produces steadfastness/perseverance James 1:12 says Christians are blessed if they are steadfast under trials But the largest teaching on patience in the book is James 5:7-12 The Command to be patient (Jam 5:7-8) Context Rich and Poor (James 4:13, 5:1ff) What is Patience and why should we practice it? Prayerful waiting (James 5:7) Reason: Jesus is coming back (James 5:7-8, Acts 2:17, Heb…

25 Hope is (Lamentations 3:19-26)

Sermon Outline   Introduction So why do people plan, build and risk for false hopes that can’t provide? we don’t believe that God is enough Jeremiah was struggling with this very thing until Lam 3:24 False Hope is rooted in the idea that our circumstances will improve Lamentations Summary – The book was written in the middle of Israel’s greatest tragedy It is a dark hour full of dark cries.(Lam 1:1-2, 3:1, 14, 17-18) Remember my affliction (Lam 3:19-20, 3:15,…