Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 23)

Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 23)

14 How are your eyes? (Matthew 6:19-33)

Sermon Outline   14 Singleminded – How are your eyes? Matthew 6:19-34 & Hebrews 12:1-2   How are your eyes? What do you value? (Mt 6:19-21) Jesus lays out two contrasting values in verses 19-21: Earthly treasures and Heavenly ones. Treasure refers to a number of things (Mt 2:11, 12:35, 19:21, Isa 51:8) Earthly Values (Mt 6:19-20) God values: Himself, Word, Purposes, His People Almsgiving or charity is a way of gaining heavenly treasure (Mt 19:21, 1Tim 6:17-19) What are…

12 Prayer – a Way of Life (Phil. 4:4-7, Col. 4:2-4)

Sermon Outline   “The Least I can do it pray for you.” As one author wrote, “”Prayer does not equip us for greater works„ prayer is the greater work.” Why Pray? We are called to be a people of prayer (Is 56:6-7, 1Pet 2:5, 1Cor 3:16) The Lord is at hand (Phil 4:5b) Because it changes things (col 4:3-4, Eph 6:18, Phil 4:7, 1Tim 2:1-4, 4:5, 2Ki 20:1-11, Mt 26:41) Does it really work? What should we pray about? Phil…

11 The Sound of Worship (Psalm 95:1-7a)

Sermon Outline Why do people worship? (Rom 1:20-25) We worship, because every single person has something in their life which they respect, admire, or are devoted to, to such a degree that the decisions they make, the way the live, the things they pursue are dictated by the object/person of esteem. We worship because God is awesome. How should we worship? Sing joyously (Ps 95:1) Shout a war cry (Ps 95:1, Josh 6:10, Num 10:9) Thanksgiving/Confession (Ps 95:2, Lev 7,…

10 Jesus is Coming back: Eternity, Heaven & Hell.

Outline   Homecomings Jesus Christ is Coming Back! (Rev 22:12-13) This is one of many times that Revelation declares the return of Christ. (Rev 1:7, 14:14, 16:15) The same thing is taught in many NT passages (Acts 1:11, 1Th 4:16, Jn 14:13) Why all the repetition? (Rev 22:12-13) There is hardly a NT book that doesn’t explicitly declare the return of Christ (1Cor 15, 16:22, 2Cor 4:7ff, Gal 1:4, 4:26, 6:9, Eph 1:21, Phil 1:10, 3:13, 3:21, Col 3:4, 1Th…

09 Stewardship – The Heart of the Matter – It all belongs to God

  Sermon Outline   09 Mt 25;14-30 Stewardship: It All Belongs to God   The Heart (Prov 4:23, Mt 7:17, Isa 1:3, Ps 24:1-2) Context of Matthew 24-25 Parousia (Mt 24:1-1, 30) Being Ready (Mt 24:42) Service in the Kingdom of Heaven(Mt 24:45ff) 4 stories meant to instruct the disciples in how they are to live in anticipation of the return of the Lord. Characters & Items Owner (Mt 25:14, 19) 3 servants Talents (Ps 127:3, Heb 13:2, 1Cor 6:19-20,…

08 Compassion (Luke 10:25-37)

08 Compassion Luke 10:25-37 Sermon Outline Introduction (Micah 6:8, Dt 24:10-15, Ps 82:4-5) Key Idea #8: I believe God calls all Christians to show compassion to people in need. The Testing (Luke 10:25-29) Behold Meet our first character: a Lawyer (Luke 7:30, 4:2, 12, 11:15) The Question (Luke 10:25) Interesting Question, phrased in an interesting way. The Tables are Turned (Luke 10:26) The Answer to the first question (Luke 10:28) Love is the only verb mentioned in the answer. Jesus…

07 Biblical Anthropology (Psalm 8, Romans 3:23-25)

Biblical Anthropology (Ps 8) Sermon Outline Who Am I? Developing a Biblical Anthropology A people loved by God (Psalm 8) Structural Signposts in Psalm 8: 1, 4, 9 Humanity cannot be understood except in relation to God Insignificantly Small (Ps 8:4) Created (Gen 2:7) A People God Remembers & Cares for (Ps 8:5, Gen 1:26-27) Important Job (Ps 8:6) The problem: once sin entered the human race it spread like an incurable virus. (Gen 8:21, Rom 3:23) The Solution (Rom.…

06 The Church is God’s Plan for the World (1Peter 2:9-12)

06 The Church is God’s plan for accomplishing his purposes on earth (1Pt 2:9-12)     Outline Recap of Key Beliefs The Church is an OT and NT Reality (1Peter 2:9-12) Same terms used to describe OT Israel are used to describe the NT People of God Chosen people (Gen 17:7, Dt 10:15, Is 43:20-21, 1Pt 1:2, 2:9) Royal Priesthood (1Pt 2:9, Ex 19:6, Num 18:7) Holy Nation Belonging to God & the People of God Same job in OT…