Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 25)

Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 25)

28 The Unstoppable First Disciples

Sermon Outline Acts 2:36-47   Wouldn’t it be amazing to be a part of a movement that was unstoppable? What made the Church unstoppable? Devoted to Apostolic Teaching (Acts 2:36) You are guilty of Jesus death (Acts 2:36, 3:13-15, 4:10, 10:39, Rom 5:8) But God raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 2:31-32, 3:15-16) You must repent (acts 2:37-38, 3:19, 2:41, 4:4, Rom 15:19) What is repentance? (Act 3:19, Lk 3:8, 10-14) Et al. Devotion is (Acts 2:46) Filled with the…

27 The Walk to Emmaus

  Sermon Outline   Mt 27-28, Mk 16, Lk 24, Jn 19-21 I.              Walking to Emmaus (Lk 24:13-14) II.             A Stranger joins the conversation (Lk 24:15-17) III.           The beginning of the instruction (Lk 24:25-27) a.    Jesus makes three very important statements after calling the brothers foolish.                                                i.     The Christ was going to be a suffering servant before being glorified.                                              ii.     The OT scripture prove this.                                             iii.     Shows how all the scripture points to him, (Jn 5:39) b.    I would like to do some of the same:                                                i.     Gen 3:15…

26 A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

If you would like a devotional resource to help prepare for this sermon, visit here. Sermon Outline Mt 26-27; Mk 14-15; Lk 22-23; Jn 13-14, 16-19 A Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad Day Jesus Bad Day Betrayal Judas (Lk 22:3-6, 48) Other Disciples (Mt 26:56) Peter (Lk 22:6-61) False accusation (Mt 26:59-60, Lk 23:2, 20:25) Injustice in the Courts of Rome (Lk 23:22-25) Physical Suffering (Mt 27:26, Mk 15:21) Emotional Taunts Sanhedrin (Mt 26:67-68) Soldiers (Mk 15:16-18) Crowds (Mk 15:29-32)…

25 Jesus, Light and Life of the World

Sermon Outline John 8:12-20 A devotional aid is available here.   Introduction 7 I am statements in Gospel of John (Jn 6:35, 8:12, 10:7, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6, 15:1) I am the Light of the World (Jn 8:12, 28) Location: Temple Treasury (Jn 8:20) First, No are Welcome (Gal 3:28) Second, Within the Treasury/Court of Women are 4 giant columns each containing a Giant Menorah/Candlestick. (Jn 8:12) The Jewish Liturgy of The Shema (Deut 6:4-9) Hebrew Yotzer Or Blessing “Who creates…

24 No Ordinary Teacher

Sermon Outline Mt 5-7, 9, 14; Mk 4-6; Lk 10, 15; Jn 6   What do we think of teachers? What kind of Teacher was Jesus? Depends… Jesus was able to simplify (Mk 4:24-25) The complex process of being a disciple and learning all that it takes to be conformed to the image of Christ comes down to this: if you act on my teaching, I will give you more teaching, but if you don’t act upon it then the…

23 – A Dozen names for Jesus’ ministry

A Dozen names for Jesus’ ministry Sermon Outline Mt 3-4, 11; Mk 1-3; Lk 8; Jn 1-4 1. Introduction: What’s in a name? 2. Jesus is The Lamb of God (Jn 1:29, Ex 29:38, 42, 1Jn 1:9) 3. Jesus is God’s chosen One (Jn 1:34, Isa 42:1, 7 some MSS) 4. Jesus is the Messiah (Jn 1:41, 1Sam 16:6, 2Sam 1:14, Lev 4:3, Ps 105:15) 5. Jesus is the one Moses wrote about in the Law (Jn 1:45, Dt 18:15-22)…

22 The Birth of the King (Matthew 1:18-23)

  Sermon outline Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2, John 1   Kings don’t come from ordinary stock But that isn’t what we find as we read through Matthew’s opening chapter. Jesus is the “son of David, the son of Abraham” and a descendant of: Tamar, A Canaanite (Mt 1:3, Gen 38) Rahab, the Prostitute (Mt 1:5, Josh 2:1) Wife of Uriah, an adulteress (Mt 1:6, Ex 33:2) Manasseh, a pagan God hater (Mt 1:10, 2Chr 33:2-9) Mary and Joseph (Mt 1:19)…

Hosea and the Marriage Covenant

Sermon Outline God’s First Messengers to a Wayward People Elijah and Elisha Hosea & Amos Prophets are Men sent by God to speak His heart to His people Remind the People of Covenant Decry the ways the covenant is violated Spell out the Punishment for violation   Hold out Hope after the punishment  B/C God’s purpose is to relate to people and build up an obedient, live giving communion of persons on this earth. Hosea Reminds the People of the Covenant…

Psalm 68 – What should we do when we have Enemies?

Sermon Outline We all have enemies, but what are we to do when we identify who they are? That depends on whether they are our enemies or God’s. I am to forgive My Enemies (Eph 4:31-32) God will deal with His Enemies Psalm 68 gives us one way of dealing with our enemies when they are also God’s enemies. The Word is full of advice in dealing with our enemies. Jesus tells us to Love and pray for our enemies…

Psalm 14 Foolishness will get you nowhere

Sermon Outline I.              God’s important message (Ps 14, 53) a.    One of the great themes of the Bible is wisdom. (Mt 7:26ff, Gal 3:1-4, Mt 5:11, 23:17, Lk 11:40) b.    Identical Psalms c.    Ps 1, Ex 20:1-19, Mt 22:37-41 II.             Who is the Fool? a.    One who Lives as though God is dead (Mt 12:34) b.    Pursues corruption and Abominable deeds (Ps 14:1, Dt 18:9)                                                i.     What were these horrid practices? (1Kin 14:23-24, Mic 3:9, Ps 5:6, 119:163) c.    Forgets that God is watching (Ps 14:4) d.    No concern for…