Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 30)

Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 30)

Repentance stays the judgment of God 1Kings 21

Sermon Outline Choosing between God and man (1Ki 21:3) Family Land as an Inheritance from the Lord (Dt 19:14, Num 36:7, Lev 25:13-28) Business or Worship? (1Kin 21:3) Ahab’s Sin begins A Faulty Worldview Covetousness (1Ki 21:2, 4) What is covetousness? (Exo 20:17, HC 113, WLC 147-148) Abdication of his rule to Jezebel (1Kin 21:8) Jezebel’s Sin Usurping authority (1Kin 21:7) Religious Hypocrisy (1Ki 21:9) Misuse of the Law of God (Dt 19:15) Condemnation of the Innocent (2Kings 9:26) Immorality…

Embrace your Calling and your Companions (1Kings 19:19-21)

1Kings 19:19-21 Embrace your Calling and your Companions in ministry   Sermon Outline We all need partners in the work of God Men need wives and vice versa (Gen 2:18) Elders need other elders (Acts 14:23) Servants need fellow servants… Jesus sent people out 2×2 (Luke 10:1) We all need partnership in the word of ministry! Why do we need partners? None of us is superman/woman with every gift set (1Cor 12:27-29) Elijah’s needs display a common set of needs…

Crazy Thoughts 1Kings 19:1-18

1Kings 19:1-18 Crazy Thoughts   Sermon Outline   Elijah’s story is one of the most amazing stories (1Ki 19:1-2, 21:23, 2Ki 9:33-35, James 5:17). Crazy Thoughts Elijah gets scared and runs (1Ki 19:3-4) First lesson: When we don’t stay focused on God we get all sorts of crazy ideas Runs from a Woman (1Ki 19:3, Jud 4:17-4:25, 9:54) Lesson 2: How many of us have allowed a present circumstance to trump the history of God’s working in our life and in…

Fervent Prayer 1Kings 18:41-46

Sermon Outline 1Kings 18:41-46, James 5:16-18 Fervent Prayer   The Context Elijah is God’s Man in control (1Ki 18:41) Ahab is a puppet king (Prov 21:1) Why the command to Go up, eat and drink? Practical breaking of the fast from the events of the day. (Pink, Elijah, p54). Call to celebrate the that drought is over (1Ki 18:41b, Dt 28:12) Instructing Ahab to partake of a sacred Covenantal meal and personally ratify his commitment to God Application: Profound truth…

Reclaiming Hearts (1Kings 18:17-40)

Sermon Outline Reclaiming Someone’s Heart is a Difficult Thing The Accusations Ahab’s Accusation against Elijah: (1Kin 18:1, 17) “The most wonderful compliment” Why would Ahab begin his interaction with the man he has searched for 3 years to find this way? (Lk 6:45, 1Ki 18:5, Jer 17:9) Elijah’s Indictment of Ahab: (1King 18:18) Elijah’s challenge to the People: (1King 18:21) No straddling the Fence Stop thinking like a pagan. The Challenge False words of Elijah? (1Kings 18:22) Fire from heaven!…

Spurring one another to growth

1 Kings 18:1-16 Spurring one Another to growth Elijah and Obadiah   Sermon Outline     Finding Nemo: The Risk of Faith Who is Obadiah? Name means ‘servant of Yahweh’ In charge of Ahab’s palace (1Ki 18:3) Devout believer in the Lord (1Ki 18:3) Willing to risk himself secretly for God (1Ki 18:4) Walking & Relying on God isn’t always easy Often God leads us and asks us to do difficult things simply by trusting that the Word of God…

Pentecost is about harvesting the Lost (Acts 2:1-41)

  Sermon Outline Confusion about Holy Spirit among many Christians Who is the Holy Spirit? Setting (Acts 2:1) Day of Pentecost = Feast of Weeks 1 of 3 annual feasts to be kept by all Jews (Exo 23:16, Lev 23:15-22, Dt 16:9-12) These were to be a time of rejoicing (Dt 16:11) First feast is about ridding self of sin – take out the leaven; (1Cor 5:7-8) Second feast is about gathering others into God’s kingdom – (Dt 16:12, Exo…

The Testing of our Faith – 1Kings 17:7-16

Sermon Outline God where are you? Elijah’s Test of Faith (1Ki 17:7 A victim of his own prayer. God’s intervention (1Ki 17:8) A call to outside the expected (1Ki 17:9, Luke 4:25-26) To the Crucible To a Widow The widow’s test of Faith A Demanding Prophet Be inconvenienced for me (1Ki 17:10) Give me your food (1Ki 17:11) A Faith-filled and true response (1Ki 17:12) I have nothing “As the LORD your God lives…” First, she knows and uses the…

Elijah Confronting Idolatry

Sermon 1Kings 17;1-7 Elijah and the Drought     National Apostasy Cry for a King (1Sam 8-10) 1Sam 8:5 “…Give us a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” Saul (1Sam 9-31) 40 years David (1Sam 16-2Sam) 40 years Solomon (1Ki 1:28ff) 40 years Kingdom Divided Every person who wants to see the church reformed in his/her day must not forget these 3 things (1Ki 17:1) Declaring who God is Challenging the Idolatry of the day…