Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 31)

Sermons by Scott Roberts (Page 31)

Praying in Love (Thessalonians 3:10-13)

Sermon Outline   1Thessalonians 2;17-3;13 Praying in love for others (Read whole passage, focus on 3:11-13)   Who is Paul praying for? Converts that he had personally evangelized. Considers them his children (1Th 2:17) Considers them brothers (1Th 1:4, 2:1, 9, 14, 3:7, 4:1, 10, 13, 5:1, 4, 12, 14, 25-27) How can we pray for others? Out of Heart grounded in Love Like a Nursing Mother (1Th 2:7-8) Like a Father (1Th 2:11-12) Out of Deep Concern (1Th 3:1,…

Elijah, An Ordinary Man used for Extraordinary Things

Sermon Outline 1Kings 17:1-7 About Elijah An ordinary Man who loves God (1Ki 19:10). Appears out of Nowhere (1Ki 17:1a) Gilead, a clan or a territory (Num 26:29, Josh 22:9) Other important events occurred here (Gen 32:1-2, 22-32, Judg 11:29-40)  Prophet Stands in the presence of God (1Ki 17:1, 5) Knows the Word of the Lord (1Ki 1:3, 8-9) How did he know the voice of his God so well? Must have been a student of the Torah (Dt 11:16-17).…

Comfort is not the goal (Romans 8:18)

Romans 8:18 Comfort is not the goal   Sermon Outline   Scripture talks a lot about being comforted but never of being comfortable! (Mt 5:3, 2Cor 1:3-4, 7:6, 1Th 3:7) Suffering is part of the Christian life (Jn 16:33) Risk: The opposite of comfortable Scriptural examples of Comfort not being the Goal Consider the life of David (1Sam). Consider the life of the Prophets (James 5:10) Jeremiah (Jer 1:7-8, 7:29, 11:9-10, 13:1-11, 15:10, 20:1-2, 26:8, 32:1ff, 38:6) Hosea (Hosea 1:3,…

Gratitude leads to risking for God

Gratitude leads to Risking for God Romans 11;32-33 12:1-2     Sermon Outline     Introduction – What causes people to risk greatly for God?   The Problem: Disobedience, Sin (Rom 11:32a, Lk 5:6, Josh 6:1) we are all sinners, disobedient to God, Every single person, whether part of the OT Covenant people of God or not, has been consigned. The Jews, God’s chosen people are disobedient, i.e. without faith The Gentiles are disobedient and without faith. The Solution: Mercy,…

Risking for the Rewards of Heaven (Luke 6:27-35)

Risking for the Rewards of Heaven SERMON OUTLINE   Risk versus Reward 3 Triads repeated 3 times (Luke 6:27-35) Love your enemies (Rom 11:28, 5:10) Enemies – anyone who harmed you or seeks your harm Love them (Lk 6:27, Mk 10:45, Jn 13:34, 15:9) Is Not Easy Always Returned or responded to at first A feeling  Is A Choice Loving is about Forgiving Seeking the best for another even when they are seeking our worst Dying for your enemies (Lk…

The Love of God

Sermon Outline 9 Things about the Love of God The Love of God is Trinitarian (Jn 3:35, 5:20, 14:30-31, 15:15, 14:15) The Love of God is Unbounded (Ps 36:5, Jer 31:3, Eph 3:19) The Love of God is Priceless (Ps 36:7) The Love of God is Unfailing (Ps 48:9, 52:1, 8, Rom 8:32) The Love of God is Providing (Gen 1:31, Hosea 2:8, Mt 5:45) The Love of God is Protective (Ps 59:9-10, Hosea 2:6-7, Rom 8:37-39) The Love of…

The Fear of the Lord Ecclesiastes 12:13

Sermon Outline Ecclesiastes 12:13 The Fear of the Lord Eccl. 12:13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.   Introduction (Luke 18:4b) What is the Fear of the Lord? Abject Terror (Gen 3:10, 28:17, Ex 3:6, Mt 10:28) Recognition of God’s Greatness – Power and Majesty (1Chr 16:25-27) Recognition of God’s Authority (Lev 19:32, Rev 14:7) Believing what God says will happen (Exo 9:20-21,…

The Greatness of God (1Chronicles 29:10-13)

1Chronicles 29;10-13 The Greatness of God Is God worth it? The Context of 1Chronicles 29 Solomon is going to succeed him to the throne Solomon is going to build the Temple of God in Jerusalem. The people risk in their worship of God The Character of God Covenantal Father (1Chr 29:10, Dt 7:9, 2tim 2:13, 2Pt 3:9) Greatness (Ps 145:3, Is 6:1, 66:1, Ps 50:4 Powerful (Ps 65:6, 2Chr 20:6) Glorious (2Chr 3:6, Isa 3:18, Rev 4:5, 21:23) Victorious Majestic…

The God who seeks and saves the Lost

Sermon Outline Jonah 4:4-11 The God who seeks and saves the lost Scattering Seed in the Sahel[1] Recalling Jonah Jonah responds like a sulking child who runs away from his father’s question. He refuses to answer (Jonah 4:2) God as one who sows in tears to seek and save the lost As Teacher to Jonah A Living Parable (Jonah 4:6, 7, 8) The Vine – Symbol for the people of God (Ps 80:8, Jer 2:21) The Worm – Symbol of…

Sent Again, Repentance and A Saved City

  Sermon Outline   Jonah 3;1-10 Sent Again, a City Saved.   Repentance requires a Preacher (Jonah 3:1-2) God has always worked through preachers. (Rom 10:14) What kind of preacher was Jonah? Sinner A Saved Sinner God grants a sinner the opportunity to be trusted and used again in service to the Lord. Arise – term given to prophets to tell them it is time to start the work. (1Kin 21:18, Jer 1:17, Ezek 3:22, Mic 2:10, 1Sam 23:4) Who…