Sermons on Evangelism (Page 2)

Sermons on Evangelism (Page 2)

03 Philippians 1:12-18 Always rejoice in the Advance of the Gospel

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to le arn about ways to give. Sermon Outline Introduction Paul’s Imprisonment is advancing the gospel (1:12-13) The Imprisonment: Good or Bad? The word advancing is an interesting word. (1Tim 4:15, Lk 2:52, Gal 1:14) Gk: prokoph. forward movement. Vs.  Gk: proskoph: hindrance Captors and guards are aware of Christ (Acts 28:30, 16:25-34) My Imprisonment has made others bold to proclaim the word (1:14) They speak…
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