Sermons on Salvation (Page 2)

Sermons on Salvation (Page 2)

11 Isaiah 26 Waiting for God

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline   Who likes to wait? We want life now. Isaiah 24-27 is known as “the Little Apocalypse” Waiting until that day (Isa 26:8-9,16,20) 2 Reasons: Why must God’s people wait for the Lord? World is broken awaiting judgment (v5)…

32 John 19:1-42 The Crucifixion of Jesus – It is Finished!

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline It is finished! My Human Life is finished. The life of suffering and pain that Jesus experienced as a human is finished. All the injustice Jesus experienced and saw in his days on earth were about to pass from…

29 Jn 18:1-11 Jesus’ Arrest

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outlinE John 10:18 “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from…

09 Isaiah 12 Our Salvation leads to worship and evangelism

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline When you think about reasons for praising God – What reasons come to your mind? (Ps 16:6-7, Esther, Isa 12) Historical Context (Isa 12:1, 4) Every individual person will praise God (Isa 12:1-2) Verses 1-2 are singular pronouns, but…

Psalm 98 The Marvelous Thing about Christ’s Coming

SERVICE IS CANCELLED DUE TO SNOW If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline   The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers In A.A. Milne’s great children’s book: Winnie the Pooh’s On this day after Christmas, there is another book Historically this is one of the Enthronement Psalms (Ps…

21 John 14:15-27 Do you know what it means to love Jesus?

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline Getting things in the right order Sometimes the right order matters a lot Love and obedience, what is the right ordering of these for gospel living? Meaning of Love for Jesus Loving Jesus results in keeping his commands (Jn…

16 John 6:22-51 Why do you follow Jesus: A Trick Question (Part 2)

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon Outline     Hunger and thirst These are basic primal needs eating and drinking are primary ways of socializing Hunger and thirst really motivate us to live life, esp. to work Review of last Week’s 4 reasons people follow Jesus…

14  Four Witnesses to Jesus (Jn 5:30-47)

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon Outline Witnesses are important In Court, Why is this, In Judaism (Dt 17:6) Context The Father and the Son are unified and mutually dependent (Jn 5:30) What is the will of God? (Jn 6:39) Who is Jesus talking to? (Jn…

12 What could be worse? (Jn 5:1-15)

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon Outline Would you rather… The Setting (John 5:1-4) Preliminary Things After this (Jn 4:43-54) The feast (Acts 2) Bethesda, the Sheep Gate, and the pool. The Multitudes (Jn 5:3) Where’s verse 4? Textual Criticism The Character of God? The Man…

10 John 4:1-26 The Gift and the Giver

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon Outline Everyone loves a gift that turns out to be more wonderful than you even thought possible Context (John 4:1-6) How and why Jesus ended up in a Samaritan city (John 4:1-3) Jacob’s Well: some history (John 4:5-6) What’s the…