Sermons (Page 24)

Sermons (Page 24)

The Lord Saves (Psalm 3)

Sermon Outline Introduction The Backstory (2Sam 13-15) This psalm that is nicely divided into 4 parts The Predicament (Ps 3:1-2) The social political situation has become unbearable for David (2Sam 15:5-6) We can find ourselves in similar places So what are we to do when these situations come upon us? The Profession of Faith (Ps 3:3-6) Focused upon the actions of God in his life. God is my Protector (Ps 3:3) God is my Restorer (Ps 3:3, Job 1:21) God…

Psalm 2 – God’s Reign and Rule

Sermon Outline The Proper Question to ask of any and all Government and Law “To what extent does the operation of any given human institution conform to God’s standards at any point in history?”[1] We ask this question because we believe that God is Reigning! The Trouble with Governments: They don’t want God to Reign (Ps 2:1-3) People want to live by their own rules (Ps 2:1) Rages Plot in vain (cp Eccl 1:1) People think they have the power…

Trinity Sunday 1Peter 1:1-2

Sermon Outline   What is Trinity Sunday? A chance to ponders “with joy and thanksgiving what the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have done to accomplish the salvation of sinful humanity.” We find glimpses of the Trinity throughout the Scriptures (Heb 1:2, Isa 6:3, Num 6:24-26, 1Pet 1:1-2) Introductory information Peter the Letter Writer (1Pt 1:1a, Mt 14:29, Jn 18:10, Mk 14:72, Acts 2:14ff, 5:41, 10-11, Jn 21:15ff, Acts 2:4) The recipients of this letter: (1Pt 1:1b) Elect (Dt 7:6,…

Num 11;4-29 The Holy Spirit for everyone?

Sermon Outline I.              Complaining a.    We all Do it b.    The People’s Complaint (Num 11:4-6, Ex 12:38, Dt 29:11, PRov 21:26) c.    Moses’ First Complaint (Num 11:10-15) d.    Moses’ Second Complaint (Num 11:21-22) e.    A Young Man’s Complaint (Num 11:27-28) II.             God’s Response to Complaining a.    Anger (Num 11:10) b.    God’s First response to Moses (Num 11:16-17) c.    God’s response to the People (Num 11:18-20) d.    God’s Second Response to Moses (Num 11:23) III.           Moses’s Response to the Young Man: The Spirit for All (Num 11:17, 25, 29) a.    The Spirit empowers for…

20 Colossians 4:2-6  How to Proclaim your Hope in Christ

Sermon Outline   We have a hope in Christ that we are called to proclaim to the world We have been saved from our sins (Mt 1:21) We have been adopted into God’s family (Eph 1:5) We have been granted eternal life and the promise of living with God in unhindered fellowship (Jn 5:24, 1Cor 1:9) So what keeps us from sharing this hope with others? 3 Fears – perception, knowledge, rejection How perceived/Embarrassed Don’t know enough – i.e. fear…

19 The Grace of Giving (2Cor 8:1-15)

  Sermon Outline Cameron Townsend’s Marriage Example The Grace of Giving Grace and Generosity are inextricably tied together (2Cor 8:1-4, 9) Giving isn’t related to material means but to theological heart (2Cor 8:3-5, 9) Giving isn’t just a matter of handing over stuff/$. It’s about the gospel (2Cor 8:9, Phil 2:6-8) What matters in the grace of giving is the heart of the giver (Rom 5:3-5). Paul draws attention to the giving patterns of some to encourage others (2Cor 8:1-4,…

18 Redeeming Time (Eph 5:8-9, 15-21)

Sermon Outline   History of the clock Our Time belongs to God So how should we use our time, steward time as managers of this resource for God? (Eph 5:8-9) Recognize where we came from Recognize Redemption (Eph 1:7) Walk in accordance with your new identity (HC 91, Eph 5:15-17) Look & Examine (2Cor 13:5) Is your life growing in the fruit of the Spirit? (Gal 5:22-23) Redeem (Gal 3:13) So what does that kind of time usage look like?…

17 Spiritual Gifts: Building the Body of Christ (Exodus 35:30-36:1)

Sermon Outline Introduction Building the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:30-36:1) Context of passage Parallel passage (Exodus 31:2-11) There is a keen connection between the sabbath and worship in the tabernacle. Amount of time dedicated to Tabernacle cp. to Creation Building begins with being called (Ex 35:30) By name (Ex 36:1) Meanings of names Building requires empowerment (Ex 35:31) Filled with the Spirit of God (Judg 17:5, Lev 16:32, 21:10, Acts 2:38-39) Effects of Filling Building is an artistic endeavor (Ex 35:32-33, 35,…

16 Biblical Community

  Sermon Outline Broken Communities abound and are define by: Arguments (Mk 9:34) Betraying one another (Mt 24:10) Bring charges against one another (Acts 19:38, 1Cor 6:7) Compare ourselves to one another (2Cor 10:12) Hate one another (Mt 24:10, Titus 3:3) Incorrectly Judge someone (Acts 28:4) Scheme (Mk 12:7, Lk 6:11) Consumed with wrong passion for one another (Rom 1:27) Grumbling against others (James 5:9) Trample one another (Lk 12:1) Bite, Devour and Consume each other (Gal 5:15) Provoke one…