Sermons (Page 26)

Sermons (Page 26)

08 Compassion (Luke 10:25-37)

08 Compassion Luke 10:25-37 Sermon Outline Introduction (Micah 6:8, Dt 24:10-15, Ps 82:4-5) Key Idea #8: I believe God calls all Christians to show compassion to people in need. The Testing (Luke 10:25-29) Behold Meet our first character: a Lawyer (Luke 7:30, 4:2, 12, 11:15) The Question (Luke 10:25) Interesting Question, phrased in an interesting way. The Tables are Turned (Luke 10:26) The Answer to the first question (Luke 10:28) Love is the only verb mentioned in the answer. Jesus…

07 Biblical Anthropology (Psalm 8, Romans 3:23-25)

Biblical Anthropology (Ps 8) Sermon Outline Who Am I? Developing a Biblical Anthropology A people loved by God (Psalm 8) Structural Signposts in Psalm 8: 1, 4, 9 Humanity cannot be understood except in relation to God Insignificantly Small (Ps 8:4) Created (Gen 2:7) A People God Remembers & Cares for (Ps 8:5, Gen 1:26-27) Important Job (Ps 8:6) The problem: once sin entered the human race it spread like an incurable virus. (Gen 8:21, Rom 3:23) The Solution (Rom.…

06 The Church is God’s Plan for the World (1Peter 2:9-12)

06 The Church is God’s plan for accomplishing his purposes on earth (1Pt 2:9-12)     Outline Recap of Key Beliefs The Church is an OT and NT Reality (1Peter 2:9-12) Same terms used to describe OT Israel are used to describe the NT People of God Chosen people (Gen 17:7, Dt 10:15, Is 43:20-21, 1Pt 1:2, 2:9) Royal Priesthood (1Pt 2:9, Ex 19:6, Num 18:7) Holy Nation Belonging to God & the People of God Same job in OT…

04 The Bible Reveals God and his will for our lives (Heb 1:1-2, 2Tim 3:12-17)

  Sermon Outline     I.               How do we know God? a.     Creation (Rom 1:19-20, Ps 8:3-4) b.     Self-revelation (Heb 1:1-2, Gen 1-3)                                                i.     God took the initiative to approach humanity!                                              ii.     The Son is the supreme revelation of God! (John 5:37-39, Heb 1:3, Jn 14:9-11) c.     The Bible reveals God to us (John 20:31) II.             How do we know God’s will for our life a.     It would be easy to simply tell you God’s will for you…

03 Romans 3:21-31 Salvation by Grace through Faith

Salvation by Grace through Faith Sermon Outline Salvation Introduction The Key Q is not “Is it possible to be saved?” (Rev 21:3) but rather, “How do I experience it?” (Eph 2:8-9, Rom 3:21-31) The Law and Prophets told us of the righteousness of God (Rom 3:21) The Righteousness that comes by the law (Phil 3:6) Real Righteousness (Mt 6:10, Dt 6:5, Rom 3:21, John 1:31, Gen 15:6, Dt 9:6) What is that plan? Faith in Jesus Christ (Jn 6:29, Heb…

02 Providence: God is good and He cares for you

02 Providence: God Cares about You   Sermon Outline The World is not Fatalistic or Mechanistic Providence defined Good and in control Good defined (Gen 50:20, Dt 8:7, Ps 119:38, 73:1, 73:28, 84:11, Mk 10:18) Control illustrated In earthly matters, we plan to build and then plan to maintain the building. David did this with the Temple (1Chr 22-27) So also God does the same in his glorious creation (2Chr 20:6, 1Ti 6:15, Rev 17:14, 19:16, Ps 2:2-4) (Vandergroe, Vol…

01 God – 3 in 1

  Sermon Outline   Introduction to Believe The Bible begins and ends with God (Gen 1:1, Rev 22:3-5) 4 Assertions God is one (Dt 6:4-5) God is Three OT Hints of the plurality in the godhead (Gen 1:1-2, 1:26-27, Dt 6:4) 3, not 2 or 4 or more (Jn 1:10, Col 1:15-17, Heb 1:2, Mt 28:19, Acts 7:55, Rev 4-5) The 3 persons are each fully God (Athanasian Creed) Father is worshipped (Jn 4:23) Jesus is worshipped (Lk 24:52) Spirit…