Sermons (Page 29)

Sermons (Page 29)

How to Pray Scripture for yourself and others

Sermon Outline I.              “Christians want to pray, but they don’t know how!” a.    Aside from Laundry List prayer b.    1The 5:16-17 contains 3 plural commands and a reason: II.             A Method for Praying (Like but different from Lk 11:2-4) III.           Example #1: Philippians 1:3-11 a.    Verses 3-5: Thanks & Joy b.    Verse 6: Sanctification c.    Verse 8: Godly affection d.    Verse 9-11                                                i.     Growing Love                                              ii.     Knowledge and discernment of life                                             iii.     Purity and blamelessness, Righteousness                                             iv.     God glorifying IV.           Example #2: Isaiah 1:2-4 a.    So how do pray a passage about Israel’s rebellion in…

Psalm 55 Reasons for Lament

  Sermon Outline Introduction (Ps 55:0) God feels far away (Ps 55:1-2) Reasons for David’s suffering (Ps 55:3-5, 9-14, 20-21) First: Wicked bring Trouble and harbor a grudge (Ps 55:3, Gen 27:41, 50:4) Second: Fear of death (Ps 55:4-5, 2Sam 15) Third: Violent city full of oppression and fraud (Ps 55:9b-11) Fourth: Betrayed by a friend (Ps 55:12-14, 20-21) Not exhaustive: Could add health troubles… All of this suffering takes its toll on our life and our emotions Our initial…

02 Psalm 32 The Blessing of being Forgiven

Sermon Outline Introduction (Ps 32 title) Martin Luther “Psalmi Paulini”. Augustine’s favorite psalm Day of Atonement Liturgy A Maskil? The Suffering of Unconfessed Sin (Ps 32:3-4, James 5:15-16) We don’t know what sin David was trying to keep hidden One thing is for sure: Every sinner tries to ignore their sin Hidden sin eats at the soul & affects the physical body! What is a true confession? (Ps 32:5) Acknowledged: means to announce, to know, be intimate with, to admit…

Psalm 126 The Reason for Joy

Sermon Outline The Struggle for Joy What is a Song of Ascent? A song sung by the pilgrim’s as they come to Jerusalem for the three annual feast and worship described in Lev 23. Historical background for Psalm 126 The psalms are full of references to joy (Ps 16:8-9, 19:8, 21:1, 31:7, 53:6, 67:4) Ezra-Nehemiah story History Verses 1-3 are the edict to return home and setup shop Verses 4-6 are the prayers during temple/wall struggles Reason for Joy: God…

Living Generously (2Cor 8:1-15, 9:6-15)

  Sermon Outline Introduction Who provides us with the stuff of life? My hard work? (Eph 4:28, 2Th 3:10, 1Th 4:11-12) God’s grace (Dt 8:18, Ps 136:25, 1Chr 29:12, 16) What instructions does the Lord give concerning our finances? over 2000 verses in the Bible We find things like (1Tim 6:10, Mt 6:19, Act 10:2) Tithing in the OT What is a tithe? (Gen 14:20) What did they tithe on? (Lev 27:30-33) Where did they give it? (Num 18:21) How…

21 New Walls but Not New Hearts

Sermon Outline 21 New Walls but Not new Hearts Ezra 7, Hen 1-2, 4, 6-8, Mal 1-4 I.               The Closing of the OT II.              3 Building Projects a.     Rebuilding Temple Worship                                                i.     Jewish OT Final Verse (2Chr 36:23)                                              ii.     Who was Ezra? 1.     Ezra is a descendant of Aaron the High Priest, Moses’ bro-in-law (Ezra 7:1-5) 2.     A Scribe (Ezra 7:6) 3.     Skilled in the Law of Moses (Ezra 7:6, 10, Dt 6:5, 1Jn 5:2-3) a.     Are our…

20 Esther – God will Deliver His People

  Sermon outline Family Feuds The Jews and their Enemies The Setting – Ahasuerus’ Reign, aka Xerxes I Persian King has wealth beyond comprehension. (Esther 1:6-7) Vashti’s refusal (Esther 1:19) Mordecai, a descendant of Benjamin (Esther 2:5, 1Sam 9:3) Haman the Agagite (Esther 3:1, 1Sam 15:2-8, 17:14-16, Judg 6:3) Esther, the chosen vessel A Beautiful Woman (Esther 2:9, 14-18, Prov 12:4, 31:10) The Impending Disaster Her Wisdom Fasting and prayer (Esther 4:16-17, Institutes 3.4.11) The call to prayer and fasting…

19 Providence, Pagans and the Worship of God (Ezra 1)

Sermon Outline   Providence Introductory Questions Providence defined (WCF 5.1, Belgic 13) Cyrus’ Decree Background (2Chr 36:17-21, 2Kin 24:14, 25:1-21, Ezra 1:1) Who was Cyrus? Historical Information Cyrus was prophesied about in the Scriptures (Isa 44:24, 28, 45:1-13) Jeremiah’s prophecies (Jer 16:14-15, 25:11, 30:3, 32:42-44) The Prophesy fulfilled People return to Jerusalem (Ezra 2:64-67, 1:7) People rebuild the Altar and restart the worship of God (Ezra 3:1-5) Worship is at the forefront of these returning exiles. Worship doesn’t require a…

18 Daniel – Being Faithful in times of exile & persecution

Sermon outline Introduction What does it look like to be faithful to God in a world which is hostile to Him? What does it look like to be faithful to God when the ruling powers want you to extend their government and that government is pagan? Secular? Antagonistic to God? What does it look like to be faithful when you are a minority in the midst of a majority culture and some in that majority want to see you dead?…