Sermons (Page 3)

Sermons (Page 3)

Psalm 75 The Advent of Judgment, (Advent Week 2)

  If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline Introduction What advent is not What advent is Judgment is throughout the Bible (Gen 4:7, 6:1-8:24, Ex 6:6, 1Kin 3:28, Ps 1:5, Mt 25, 2Cor 5:10, 2Pt 3:1-13, Rev 20:11-15) Psalm 75’s superscription…

Gen 47:13-21 Cultures of Death and the Hope of Life (Advent Week 1)

  If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline Death is everywhere in our world The Famine in Joseph’s Day (Gen 47:13-21) Background of Joseph’s life (Gen 37-41) Present Situation Very severe famine (Gen 47:13-14) Famine costs them their future food security…

09 Dt 18 Revisiting the Great Commandment to Love God Alone

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   Chapter 18 is a midpoint in the midrash on the commandments This functions as both a closing of the first of the Law But also as a reiteration that from chapters 19-26, which…

08 Dt 16:18-17:20 The 5th Commandment: Justice, Government, Home and Gospel

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   Longing for a Just Society The longing of people to live in a just society is an ancient longing. Where did these ideas originate? Just Judges and Just Officers Two classes of officials:…

07 Dt 14:22-16:17 What does all this have to do with the fourth commandment?

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   What is the 4th commandment? (Dt 5:12-15) We hear the 4th commandment, and automatically, think what? But there is more to the 4th commandment than not working and resting. The Fourth Commandment &…

2Tim 3:12-13 Persecution is Normal for Christians to experience

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   Introductory Story What is persecution? In the Bible, there are two Greek words which are trans. by persecute. Diwkw is the first word, it has two main definitions: Run after something or run…

06 Deut 12:1-14:21 The Second Commandment unfolded

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline How big a deal are worship practices? Worship only in the one place God chooses (Dt. 12:1-32) Destroying and eradicating all false religion (Dt. 12:1-4, Isa 21:9) Worship where God chooses, how God chooses…

05 Dt 6:1-11:32 Loving God is The Most Important Thing

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   Introduction: Dt. is a practical commentary on how to live out the 10 commandments The First and Greatest Commandment (Mt 22:37) Why does Jesus call this the first and greatest Commandment? (Dt 6:1)…

04 Deuteronomy 4:45-5:29 The Decalogue

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline Intro Narrative is instructive for reminding us of God’s goodness so far to fulfill his promises to bring the people into freedom and for the variety of words it uses to describe the law…

03 Cities of Refuge Deut 4:41-43, 19:1-10

If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline Cities of Refuge Ancient Context of Justice The ancient world was a world of revenge. A problem: What if you didn’t purposefully kill the person? (Dt 19:5) But God intended Israel to be different…