Sermons (Page 30)

Sermons (Page 30)

17 Only God can bring Life to the dead (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

17 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Only God can bring LIFE to the dead Testimony – David Richards Sermon Outline Judah no different than Israel (Jer 5:1, 2Ki 21:9, 2Chr 36:15-16) But there is hope in The Valley of Dry Bones Israel Dead and Shriveled (Eze 37:1-2) Can Israel be brought back to life? (Eze 37:3a) Can our dry bones, dead churches, lost children be brought back to God? God knows if Life can be given to the dead (Eze 37:3b) God restores…

15 Amos and Justice

Sermon Outline God’s First Messengers to a Wayward People Elijah and Elisha Hosea & Amos Prophets are Men sent by God to speak His heart to His people Remind the People of Covenant Announce the ways the covenant is violated Spell out the Punishment for violation Hold out Hope after the punishment B/C God’s purpose is to relate to people and build up an obedient, live giving communion of persons on this earth. Reminds the people that the Covenant requires…

14 God is Faithful to His Word 1Kings 11-16

Sermon Outline   Read 1 Kings 11:9-40 & 14:1-16   We think it’s all about politics (Lower Story) Introduction Poor rulers abuse people (1Ki 12:4, 14) Good Rulers serve people (1Ki 12:7) Who we take counsel from matters (1Ki 12;7, 10-11) Transition to the Character of God To God it’s all about keeping his Word (Upper Story) Ancient Prophecy of Jericho (1Ki 16:34, Josh 6:26) Jeroboam (Israel) An amazing conditional promise (1Ki 11:37-38) Failure to trust God (1Kings 12:28, 31)…

13 Three Strikes and You’re Out! 1Kings 1-8

Sermon Outline I.  Baseball and the Strike out II.  Solomon A.  Rough start (1Ki 1-2) B.  Promising beginning? God meets with him in a dream. (1Ki 3:5) 1. What would you ask for? 2, Solomon asked for wisdom to govern God’s people. ( 1Ki 3:9-13, Prov 1:2-4,7) 3. Wealth and honor are present in the Kingdom. 4. Peacemaking and diplomacy (1Ki 4:21, 24-25) C.  Where is this kingship going? 1. Alliance with Egypt (1Ki 3:1) 2. Walked according to David…

Why we can believe in the Resurrection and what difference does it make (1Peter 1:3-7)

Sermon Outline “The resurrection of Jesus Christ and Christianity stand or fall together.” – Josh (1Cor 15:13-17) A Few reasons why you ought to believe in the resurrection: Historical proof Is the Bible reliable? Manuscript Quantity and Quality Death occurred (Jn 19:32-34) There was an empty tomb (Mt 28:11-15) Eyewitness Accounts (1Cor 15:3-8) Psychological proof You don’t have mass hallucinations! Lives were transformed At every step of the way there was doubt, but that doubt turned to belief when Jesus…

12 Even Good Kings Struggle (2Sam 11-12, 18-19, 1Chr 22, 29, Ps 23, 32, 51)

Sermon Outline Introduction David, a chosen but sinful King We have high hopes as we leave Saul’s reign. (2Sam 9:9-10) BUT…David is a sinful man, like you and I. (1Chr 27, 2Sam 18-19) David Didn’t lead his Nation to War (2Sam 11:1) David struggled with Lust and pursued Adultery (2Sam 11:2-4) APPLICATION: When you tire of the fight, you are in danger of great spiritual battles and defeat. David Sought to Cover up his sin Lying Trickery (2Sam 11:13) Murder…

11 The Heart Matters (1Samuel 16-17)

Sermon Outline   The Heart Matters (Prov 20:5, 2Chr 16:9, Jer 17:9, Mt 15:8) God’s Heart of Patience Misconceptions I’ve had Saul ruled a short time before being rejected 1st: History in the OT texts is meant to give us God’s view on things, not necessarily a chronology of things. 2nd: Translation difficulties. (1Sam 13:1, Acts 13:21) God was patient with Saul (Ex 34:6, Judg 21:25) Application: This should give us hope. David’s Heart for God Saul’s Rejection & David’s…

10 We Need a Real King! (1Samuel 1-15)

A special emphasis upon 1Sam 2:1-10 as a framework for understanding 1Samuel.     Sermon outline     Review of Judges Hannah’s Prayer Thanksgiving and Praise (1Sam 2:1-2) Hannah’s suffering and the problems with people How we hurt people for things they can’t change (1Sam 1:1-7) Hannah’s Petition of God (1Sam 1:10-11, 2:21) Warning to the Arrogant and Proud (1Sam 2:3-8a) Eli’s House to Fall (1Sam 2:23-29, 4:1-18) Saul’s Kingship lost (1Sam 8:5-8, 10:23-24) Other Kings leave much to be…

9 Faith of a Foreign Woman (Ruth)

  Sermon Outline   Introduction Elimelech’s sin Yet, this story begins with an account of one man who fled the promised land and went to live in the country of Israel’s enemies Interesting historical information (Ruth 1:1): Time of judges (Judges 21:25, Ruth 1:1) Man of Judah leaves for Moab (Num 22-24, 25:1-2) Famine is in the land All the men die (Ruth 1:3, 5, 2:22) Ruth’s Loyalty to Naomi and God The story’s first twist – Orpah leaves (Ruth…