Sermons (Page 31)

Sermons (Page 31)

08 God’s Punishment and His Mercy (Judges 2)

Sermon Outline   Acquiescence – To Tire of the Fight – (Num 33:50-53, Dt 9:3ff) The Sin in the Book of Judges Failing to possess the land completely (Judges 1:19, 21, 27-28, 30-33, 2:2-3) Failing to pass on the faith to the children (Judges 2:10-13) Compromising the Truth (Judges 2:12-14) The Consequence of Sin is Death and Suffering The Mercy of God (Judges 2:16-18) God hears the suffering and groaning of his people. And he is moved by it. He…

08 Walk by Faith (Joshua)

Sermon Outline Joshua 1-2, 6, 8, 10-11, 23-24 I.               Walking by Faith is the Biblical Pattern a.     Not just a NT idea (Heb 11:1-2) b.     Teaches us 3 lessons                                                i.     God’s ways are not our ways (Isa 55:8-9, Eph 3:20) 1.     The First test: Crossing the raging Jordan  (Josh. 3:7-8, 15-16) 2.     The second test: God’s people are going to prepare for war by getting circumcised.  (Josh 5:2, 4-5) 3.     The third test: This wasn’t to be a human…

07 Complaining Won’t Get You Anywhere (Numbers)

Sermon Outline   Numbers, Deuteronomy   The Problem with Complaining Fine line b/w asking for change of circumstance and complaining Complaining is about challenging the authority of those who are over us. Complaining has negative health effects No one likes a complainer God included The invitation to Come and Walk with God. The Israelites complaint About hardship (Num 11:1) About food (Num 11:4-6) About leadership (Num 12:1-2) God’s weakness to conquer (Num 13:31-32, 14:1-2, Eze 36:3, Prov 10:18) About thirst…

06 New Commands and New Covenant (Exodus)

Sermon Outline Introduction God desires to live in the midst of his People Rules of Enjoyable Living (Ex 20:1-21) Promise to Abraham – Land, people, blessing (Gen 12:1-3) God has rescued his people from Egypt (Ex 19:1) 10 commandments are foundational rules for living enjoyably with God and one another These rules weren’t arbitrary; they are rooted in God’s very character. A Place for God to dwell (Ex 29-31, 35-40) A Way to Deal with Sin (Exo 24:6-8, Lev) Promise…

05 Deliverance (Exodus)

  Sermon Outline   The Human Yearning for Deliverance and Freedom Unlikely odds (Ex 1:8-9, 11) Ignorance of the Nations history (Ex 1:8) All Powerful Global Nation state A Ruler who deems himself a God (Ex 1:11, 5;1ff) Forced to participate in idolatry Pharaoh’s edict to kill the Hebrew babies (Ex 1:16, 22) Pharaoh was a man who resented God’s people, rejected God’s promises and resisted God’s plan Do you face similar situations in your life where everything seems stacked…

04 Can Anything Good Come From This? (Genesis 37-50)

Sermon Outline Can anything good come from this? Lower Story – Our experiences Joseph’s family life Unhealthy family (Ge 37:3-4) Prideful child (Ge 37:2, 5-11) Brothers want to kill him but sell him instead (Ge 37:34-35) Joseph’s life in Egypt Falsely accused and sent to prison for crime he didn’t commit (Ge 39:13-20) Imprisoned – suffers for righteousness, and for refusing to sin against God and master. “Can anything good come out of this?” Yes! (Ro 8:28, HC 27) Upper…

03 God Builds a Nation (Genesis 12-25)

Sermon Outline   Upper Story God wants to relate to people so he chooses a man with whom to reestablish a unique relationship Instructs him to leave everything behind (Ge 12:1)                                               Ever considered how many elderly people God invites to radical changes of life?  Noah built an ark (Ge 7:6), Moses led a nation ( Ex. 7:7), Caleb conquered…

02 The Story Begins (Genesis 1-12)

Sermon Outline Introduction God is the creator World is good (Heb 11:3) Man is very good (Ge 1:26-28; 1:31) Humanity is chosen to relate to God Humanity rebels First rebellion (Ge 3:16) One rebellion leads to many rebellions Cain and Cain’s line (Ge 4:2-24) Noah’s sin post-flood (Ge 6:5) God’s response Judges Curse on land, serpent, etc. (Ge 3:14-19) Destruction of earth in Noah’s day (Ge 6-7) God’s judges evil (Mt 12:36, 2Co 5:10, Rev. 20:10) Redemption Meets Adam’s need (Ge…

Cultivating Spiritual Discernment (1John 4:1-6)

  Sermon Outline   Introduction – A Story on Spiritual Discernment or lack thereof What is Discernment? Ability to decide between truth and error. Ability to judge well What is Spiritual Discernment? Distinguishing right and wrong in the areas of spiritual teaching and living. Recognizing the difference between denominational distinctives and true Christian teaching that sets one apart from the universal church The Need for Spiritual Discernment False Prophets abound (1Jn 4:1, Mt 7:15, Dt 13:1-4, Phil 1:15-17, 2Pt 2:1)…

Twelve Reasons for the Incarnation

Sermon outline Introduction to the 12 Days of Christmas 12 Reasons for the Incarnation a light to guide our way (Jn 1:9) God’s fullness dwells again with humanity (Mt 1:23, Gen 3:8) Display God’s glory (Jn 1:14) Grace and truth to live by (Jn 1:14) Shepherd to guide our way (Mt 2:6, Jn 10:11) The right to be His children (Jn 1:12) High Priest who could sympathize (Heb 2:17-18) Save from our sins (Mt 1:21, Lk 19:10, Gal 4:4-5, 1Jn…