Sermons (Page 32)

Sermons (Page 32)

Empty? Listen to Gabriel again! Luke 1:26-38

Empty? Listen to Gabriel Again. Luke 1:26-28 Gabriel’s First Announcement: God for you. Greetings, you who are highly favored. Mary, you have found favor with God. Gabriel’s First Announcement: God for you. Greetings, you who are highly favored. Mary, you have found favor with God. Mary’s response:  troubled wondering. Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. Gabriel’s Second Announcement: God in you. You will be with child… Gabriel’s Second Announcement: God…

Battling Sin by Abiding in Christ

Sermon Outline of 1John 2:28-3:10   Abide in Christ (1Jn 2:28) Motivations for abiding in Christ Why would you care about abiding in Christ and fighting against sin in your life? When he comes there are only 2 ways to meet him (1Jn 2:28) John wants us to come in confidence. Meeting Christ ashamed is meeting him in judgment Two Troubling Verses (1Jn 3:9-10) Don’t forget this truth (1John 1:8, 10) By what is your life characterized by – sin or…

Antichrists (1John 2:18-27)

Sermon Outline Introduction John gives his 3rd endearing term of address. (1Jn 2:18) First thing John teaches us is that it is the last hour. Jesus and the gospel writers spoke about the ‘last days’ (Acts 2:17, 2Tim 3:1, 2Pt 3:3) It isn’t just the hour when Jesus died for the sins of people, (Jn 2:4, 7:30) Nor is it the hour when the gospel would become clear to the apostles, (Jn 16:25) Rather, it is the hour when any…

Whom or what do you love? (1John 2:15-17)

Sermon Outline The Love of the World What do you love? (1Jn 2:15) What does it mean to love? Love is a sacrificial pursuit/service of one’s life for the benefit of another. (John 15:13) Love seeks to encourage, to build up, to strengthen the faith walk of another. [1Cor 13:4-8a Love is (insert in PPT)] Love will forgo things in order to not cause others to stumble. (Matt. 18:6, 1Cor. 8:12 ) What is the world and the things of…

The Command to Love (1John 2:7-14)

Sermon Outline Russell Martin Stendal John’s Command to Love Beloved (1Jn 2:7a) Love is an old command (1Jn 2:7, 4:7-8, 2Cor 13:11, Gen 24:27, Jn 17:24) Rooted in character of God Rooted in Creation Order Rooted in the Law (Dt 6:5, Lev 19:18) Love is a new command (1Jn 2:8) Rooted in Christ’s Example (Jn 13:34, 15:10-12) Love is Christ’s Character Love is the Christian’s Character Love is the eschatological reality Failure to love is to hate (1Jn 2:9, 11)…