Sermons (Page 33)

Sermons (Page 33)

1John 2:1-6 The Imitation of Christ

Sermon Outline Imitation is the best form of flattery (1Jn 2:6) The Imitation of Christ Choosing not to sin (1Jn 2:1a, 1Cor 10:13, John 5:14) Keeping his commandments/words (1Jn 2:3, 5) Walking like Christ (1Jn 2:6) So how did Jesus walk? So are you ready to live a life of submission? Only happen because we truly ‘know’ him (1Jn 2:3) Recognizing Impostors Say but don’t do (1Jn 2:4) Hate their Christian brothers (1Jn 2:9) Love the world (1Jn 2:15-17) So…

Growing in your fellowship with God and Others

Sermon Outline Introduction (1Jn 1:3) The Character/Nature of God as Revealer (1Jn 1:5) Notice he didn’t say Light is God. What does light do? Light illuminates things. Brings understanding, clarity, sense of perception. Light reduces stress and depression. Light causes growth. An allusion to God’s revealed identity and function in the world and not to an abstract definition. OT passages on God and Light (Ps 4:6; Hab 3:4, Gen 1:3; Isa 45:7, Isa 9:2; 60:1-3, Isa 51:4; Ps 36:10; 119:105;…

When we encounter Jesus…

Sermon Outline 1John 1:1-4, 2:1, 2:12-14 When we encounter Jesus 1John is more like a narrative than a logical Who wrote 1 John? Why did he write it? Because he had experienced something profoundly personal and life transforming Personal Sensory experience (1Jn 1b-d, 2b, 3a) We versus I (1Jn 1:1-4) Theological reflection (1Jn 1:1a) How is your personal experience with Jesus? Because he wanted others to know about eternal life (1Jn 1:2) Because he wanted to have fellowship with others…

Titus 3;4-7 What is The Gospel?

Sermon Outline False Gospels (Mk 13:22, 2Cor 11:13, 26, 1Tim 1:3, 2Pt 2:1, Gal 1:6-7, 2Cor 11:4) The True Gospel (1Cor 15:1-8, Titus 3:4-7) The Good News begins and ends with the Character of God (Titus 3:4, Acts 20:24, Rom 1:1) God took on flesh (Titus 3:4, Rom 1:9, 1Jn 4:2-3) Why is this important? (HC 35, 15-17) Promise to Adam and Eve (Gen 3:15) Needed to be David’s Descendant (2 Samuel 7:12–13) Needed to be like us in every…

Beware how you walk (2Chronicles 21)

Sermon Outline     2 Ways of Walking (2Chr 21:12b-15, Ps 1) Jehoram walked in the ways of evil (2Chr 21:6, 12b-13) Murder of his siblings (2Chr 21:4, 1Jn 2:11, 3:15, Matt 15:19) Married an idolater (2Chr 21:6) Practiced and promoted Idolatry (2Chr 21:11) Idolatry is anything that is set up in place of God. Results of walking in ways of evil Lost his ability to rule outside the kingdom (1Chr 21:8-10, 16) Lost his family (2Chr 21:17) Lost his…

To whom will you turn? (2Kings 1)

Sermon Outline   We all face unpredictable futures and times of crisis. To who will you turn in the struggles of life? Ahaziah’s injury (2Ki 1:2) Who was Ahaziah? What happened to him? A Snapshot of his heart Ahaziah’s sin Rejected the God of Israel (2Ki 1:7-8, 1:3, 6, 16) Inquiring of a false god Ekron was a Philistine city on the southern shore of Israel and the Med. Sea. Baalzebub means “lord of flies” All false gods = Satan…

Repentance stays the judgment of God 1Kings 21

Sermon Outline Choosing between God and man (1Ki 21:3) Family Land as an Inheritance from the Lord (Dt 19:14, Num 36:7, Lev 25:13-28) Business or Worship? (1Kin 21:3) Ahab’s Sin begins A Faulty Worldview Covetousness (1Ki 21:2, 4) What is covetousness? (Exo 20:17, HC 113, WLC 147-148) Abdication of his rule to Jezebel (1Kin 21:8) Jezebel’s Sin Usurping authority (1Kin 21:7) Religious Hypocrisy (1Ki 21:9) Misuse of the Law of God (Dt 19:15) Condemnation of the Innocent (2Kings 9:26) Immorality…

Embrace your Calling and your Companions (1Kings 19:19-21)

1Kings 19:19-21 Embrace your Calling and your Companions in ministry   Sermon Outline We all need partners in the work of God Men need wives and vice versa (Gen 2:18) Elders need other elders (Acts 14:23) Servants need fellow servants… Jesus sent people out 2×2 (Luke 10:1) We all need partnership in the word of ministry! Why do we need partners? None of us is superman/woman with every gift set (1Cor 12:27-29) Elijah’s needs display a common set of needs…

Crazy Thoughts 1Kings 19:1-18

1Kings 19:1-18 Crazy Thoughts   Sermon Outline   Elijah’s story is one of the most amazing stories (1Ki 19:1-2, 21:23, 2Ki 9:33-35, James 5:17). Crazy Thoughts Elijah gets scared and runs (1Ki 19:3-4) First lesson: When we don’t stay focused on God we get all sorts of crazy ideas Runs from a Woman (1Ki 19:3, Jud 4:17-4:25, 9:54) Lesson 2: How many of us have allowed a present circumstance to trump the history of God’s working in our life and in…