Sermons (Page 37)

Sermons (Page 37)

Sola Scriptura

Psalm 19:7-11 Sermon Outline     Medieval History Lesson 5 Questions of the Reformation What must I obey? Sola Scriptura What must I do to be saved? Sola Fide Who must I trust? Solus Christus What must I earn? Sola Gratia What is the point? Soli Deo Gloria Sola Scriptura Defined Characteristics of the Word of God (Ps 19:7-11) Perfect (Lev 1:3) Trustworthy (Dt 7:9) Right Radiant (Song of Solomon 6:10) Righteous (Mt 6:10) Precious Sweet His Promise to us…

Why, O Lord? (Lessons in Suffering)

Why, O Lord? (Lessons in Suffering) Ps 22:1-5, Romans 5:3-5, James 1:2-4   J. Todd Billings, Rejoicing in Lament The Bible is full of people asking God Why? And How long? A Difficult Pregnancy ( 25:22) When the pursuit of freedom brings more suffering (Ex 5:22-23) When food & water are lacking? (Num 11:11-12, 20:4) Joshua asks God why the nation was defeated in a battle (Josh 7:7) And then of course there is the story of Job (Job 3:11-12,…

Prayer, Our Greatest Weapon

Ephesians 6:18-20 provides the final instruction to the saints about their spiritual armor. Prayer, though not singled out as a specific piece of armor is the greatest weapon the Christian has. Pastor Scott will explore why we should pray, when we should pray, how we should pray and for what we should pray in this sermon.

Ephesians 6:15-17 The Rest of the Armor

Sermon Outline Ephesians 6;15-17 The Rest of the Armor Introduction The Gospel of Peace Purpose of shoes Shoes for everything Roman military sandals Caliga – strong leather soul, open leather top, studded for grip, not wear out To protect the feet and allow faster movement and response Feet fitted, i.e. bind on. Securely affix. What is the peace? Paul says it is something that comes from God and Jesus (Eph 1:2) Peace is Christ (Eph. 2:14) Peace is a bond…

Breastplate of Righteousness

Ephesians 6;14b The Breastplate of Righteousness Sermon Outline     Introduction What is a breastplate for? What is righteousness? Righteousness is not the same as self-righteous (Phil 3:4-7) Righteousness is related to Faith (Rom 1:17) Appealing to Christ Christ the only Righteous one (Rom 3:10) Imputed Righteousness, i.e justification (Phil 3:8-9, 2Cor 5:21) Righteousness is also related to behavior (Eph 4:24, 1Tim 6:11, 2Tim 2:22) A righteous life is living in conformity with the law of God, love him first…

The Belt of Truth

The Belt of Truth (Ephesians 6:14a)   Context The battle is spiritual and not physical (Eph 6:12c) We have an enemy that isn’t flesh and blood (Eph 6:12c) Our enemy is the devil and his cadre. (HC 127) We don’t need to find the enemy, he will find us. (Dt 11:24, Josh 1:3) We need to stand firm, and refuse to yield any territory to the devil (James 4:7) The Belt of Truth Historical Background What is Truth? Does Truth…

We have but 1 Enemy (POHFW)

There is but one enemy, and we are not it! (Ephesians 6:10-13 ) Sermon Outline Illustration of a fight/wrestling match We have a common enemy Not each other (1Cor 12:12-13a, 27) Not any other person (Eph 6:12a) Demonic Evil (Eph 6:12) The battle is spiritual that we are engaged in and it touches upon the physical creation. We see this in 2 ways in the OT: Elements of Nature (Job 1:15-19, 2:7) Control Nations (Daniel 10:13) Why does demonic evil…

Worship in the Workplace

Is Work Worship?  How can you have an Ethic of Worship in the Workplace? Ephesians 6;5-9 The ethics of the Workplace On Slavery in the Ancient World Slaves Work is Worship: Obey as you obey Christ (Eph 6:5) Obey all the time (Eph 6:6) Work hard for them (Eph 6:7) We have only 1 Master (Mt 6:22-24, Rom 14:17-18) Expect a reward (Eph 6:8, 1Pt 1:8-9, HC 91)  Masters Treat your slaves well (Eph 6:9a) Do not threaten them (Eph…

A Father’s Heart

Sermon Outline Ephesians 6:4 A Father’s Heart Carrying on the Analogy God as Father (Eph 6:4) Train up (Heb 12:11, 2Tim 3:16) Instruction (1Cor 10:11, Tit 3:10) These two words taken together, instruct, command, the parents to ensure that good behavior is taught and bad behavior is pointed out and corrected. We must discipline (Dt 8:5, Jer 30:11, Prov 3:12, Heb 12:8-10, Mt 7:13-14) The Basics of God the Father He is the creator (Dt 32:6, Jer 31:9) Provider of…

Christ in Children

Ephesians 6:1-3 Christ in Children   Children Obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. (Eph 6:1) A Daughter with her Mother. Relation to Ephesians 5:18-21 Christ Obeyed His heavenly Father Scriptural Proof (Mt 3:17, Jn 5:19, 12:49, Lk 22:42) Why did this matter? 2 Reasons Sin – sin is lawlessness (1Jn 3:4) Israel – Israel was called by God to be the son of the Father. Hosea 11:1–2 Salvation and Jesus (Heb 5:7-9) A theological parallel between…