Sermons (Page 39)

Sermons (Page 39)

The Burnt Offering and the Christian (Lev 1, 6:8-13)

Leviticus 1 – The Burnt Offering and the Christian (Lev 1, 6:8-13) Introduction to Leviticus The Burnt Offering (Lev 1, 6:8-13, 16:1-34) God wants relationship with us (Lev 1:2, Gen 3:8, 3:15, 4:4) The Approach to God requires a perfect, blood sacrifice Blood sacrifice (Lev 1:2, Heb 9:22) Perfect (Lev 1:3, Heb 4:15) The Approach to God is personal (Lev 1:3-6, 9) Initiative Needed – Confession Required – (Lev 1:4, 1Jn 1:9, Gen 6:14) Recognition of Cost – (Lev 1:5)…

Living Lights (Ephesians 5:8-20)

Lightning Bugs Most efficient Light producers around. Every stage of a firefly’s life, it is bioluminescent. Old State (Eph 5:8a) What is darkness? (Eph 2:1-2, 2:12, 4:17-18, Jude 13) New State (Eph 5:8b) The Great Transformation Being light is an Biblical Image Genesis 1, Exodus 10:23, Exodus 25, 2Sam 22:29, Isa. 49:6 Christ is the Light (Matt 4:16, Jn 8:12, 10:16) Dante’s Paradiso Canto XXX How then shall we live? (Eph 5:8-10) Eschewing Evil (Eph 5:11a) Exposing Evil (Eph 5:11b,…

Staying Chaste and Pure

Ephesians 5:3-7 Staying Chaste & Pure The Cookie Jar Syndrome Context is imitation of God (Eph 5:1-2) No Hint of Dirt in the Christian Life We are called to be the spotless bride of Christ. Actions at others Expense Sexual Immorality – Porneia Scriptures using Porneia (Mt 19:9, 1Cor 5:1, 6:9) “any kind of illegitimate sexual intercourse in Paul’s letters” (NIV Theo. Dict. Of New Test. Words 6.1078). Proper Bounds of Sex in Scripture is always between 1 man and…

The Ascension of Christ (Luke 24:50-53 & Acts 1:9-11)

The first part unfortunately was missed.  We extend our apologies. The Ascension of Christ – Luke 24;50-53 and Acts 1;9-11 Ascension is the Feast of all feasts – Augustine Scriptures OT Enoch story (Gen 5:21-24, Heb 11:5) Daniel’s Son of Man Elijah’s ascension (2King 2:11) NT (Phil 2:9-11, 3:20-21, 2Th 2:14) Apostles’ Creed HC teaching LD18: Q46-49 Westminster teaching Q51-54 Luke 24:50-53 The Crux: End of Luke’s Gospel Narrative – Beginning of Luke’s Church Narrative Final Blessing of the Earthly…

Imitators of God (Ephesians 4:32-5:2)

Ephesians 4;32-5:2 Imitators of God   Put on Christ (Eph 4:31-32) Be or becoming What is kindness? (1Pt 2:2-3, Eph 2:7) Biblical Examples How can we cultivate kindness Care for the Poor and Needy (Ps 112:5, Prov 14:21) Love enemy (Lk 6:35) Correcting the erring (Ps 141:5) Look around and see who has a need and meet it. Speak encouraging words to build up not tear down Sacrifice for the benefit of others – What is compassion? (Eph 4:32, Lk…

God chose you to be saved (2Thes. 2:13-15)

2Thes. 2:13-15 God chose you to be saved The Gospel and the HS are intimately mixed God chose you to be saved (2Th 2:13b) What is salvation? God’s election (2Th 2:13b, Eph 1:4, Jam 1:18, Dt 26:2) Sanctifying work of the Spirit (2Th 2:13c, Jn 16:8, Rom 15:16, 18) Belief in the truth (2Th2:13d, 1Cor 15:1-8) Sharing in the glory of the Lord (2Th2:14b, Ex 34:34-35, 2Cor 3:13, Mt 17:2) Who is it for? (2Th 1:4, 2:12, 1Cor 1:27-28) What…

Don’t Grieve the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 4:30-31

Ephesians 4:30-31 Don’t Grieve the Holy Spirit Weighing the Heart (Eph 4:30, Mt 12:34, Luke 6:45, Ezek 11:19) What is grief? Grief defined. Grief is personal. Examples of grief (Isa 54:5-7, Gen 6:6, Jn 21:17) Command: DO NOT GRIEVE! What grieves the Holy Spirit? Rebellion to the instruction of God (Isa 63:10, 1Sam 15:11) Anything that isn’t holy (Gal 5:22-24) Specifics (Ephesians 4:31, Luke 7:47) What are the effects of grieving the HS? Ministry of comfort and assurance turns into…