Sermons (Page 40)

Sermons (Page 40)

Working, not stealing (Ephesians 4:28, 5:1-2)

 Bulletin Outline The Sloth Christian thieves? (Eph 4:28, Titus 2:9-10, 2Tim 3:17) What is Stealing? Examples Non-material possessions we can steal Heidelberg Catechism Q110 What is working? (Eph 4:28, 1Cor 4:12) The Ant or the Honeybee. Definition: Work is the useful application of the body and the mind toward the benefit of others such that you are not taking from people but are giving to them. Paul’s Life an example (Acts 20:34–35) How can we learn to Work hard and…

Come, Embrace and Worship – Matthew 28:1-10

Bulletin Outline Mt 28:1-10 Come, Embrace, and Worship – He is Risen Come Meet the women (Mt 28:1, Mk 16:1, Lk 24:1) See the one for whom all nature quakes and trembles (1Ki 19:9-18, Ps 114:7, Ps 97:4) See the angel whose presence so terrified the soldiers (Mt 28:4) See the angel sitting upon the stone ready to speak words of comfort and great joy (Mt 28:5-7, 1Cor 5:7, Rom 5:9) Hear the words, “He is not here; he has…

Kairos Moments – Luke 19:28-44

Bulletin Outline Luke 19:28-44 The Triumphal Entry: A Kairos Moment Life is full of Kairos moments Those moments when one’s response sets the course of one’s future Background Context: The parable of the 10 minas (Lk 19:11-27) Details about the colt Tied at the entrance of the village (Lk 19:30a) Never been ridden before (Lk 19:30b) It is God’s (Lk 19:31, 34) In service to God, everything is at his disposal! This is emphasized 2x by the repetition of the…

Fruitful Organizational Structures in the Church (Numbers 2)

Bulletin Outline  Fruitful Organizational Structures (Num 2:1-34, Exo 39:43, Lev 6:12, 1Chr 23:4-5, 28-31) Unfruitful Organizational Structures Moses and Jethro (Exo. 18:17-23) Lack of Deacons (Acts 6) Implication – No one man can perform all that is good. Fruitful Organizational Structures Marching and the Order of encampment after Exodus (Num 2:1-34) God is at the Center (Num 2:2) Implication: If the way we meet in committees in the body actually causes us to forget that our work is about furthering…

A Culture of Godly Leadership

Due to technical issues the first 10 minutes are missing.  Please accept our sincerest apologies  for any inconvenience. Sermon Outline A culture of Godly leadership begins with leaders of Godly Character, Competence and Conviction (Matthew 5;3-12, 1&2 Corinthians, Hebrews 13:7) 3 Character Qualities of Godly Leaders – Poor in Spirit, Meek, Pure in Heart Godly leaders are poor in Spirit (Mt 5:3) No room for own strength, power, wisdom (Luke 18:10-12. Isa 66:2) Application: Godly leaders are people of prayer Godly…

Global Perspective and Engagement

Bulletin Outline A Healthy Church has a Global Perspective and Engagement (Mt 28:19, Acts 1:8) God always intended his people to be globally minded – we are sojourners Eden (Gen 1:28) Babel (Gen 11) Abraham (Gen 12:3, 22:18, Dt 7:13-15) Christ commanded (Mt 28:19-20, Acts 1:8) History of the NT Church Acts 1-14 Pentecost a global event (Acts 2:5, 9-11) Apostles go down to Samaria (Acts 8:14) Peter to Cornelius (Acts 10:23) Jerusalem sends folks to Antioch (Acts 11:20-22) Antioch…

Transforming Communities through Compassion, Mercy & Justice

Healthy Churches Transform Communities through Compassion, Mercy & Justice   Compassion, Mercy & Justice in the Bible Revealed in his laws Various Laws on compassion, mercy and justice (Ex 22:25, Lev 14:21, 19:9, 23:22, Prov 28:27, Ex 22:22-24) Law of the Tithe (Dt 26:12) A command (Dt 15:11) Reiterated by his prophets (Is 3:14-15, Jer 5:26-29, Amos 5:21-23, Micah 6:8 Jesus Condemns Pharisees for not practicing these (Mt 23:23-24) Acts Church practiced care for poor believers (Acts 9:36, 10:4, 11:29-30) Apostles…

Intentional Evangelism Acts 8;4-8, 26-40

Sermon Outline Evangelism Fears Evangelism is a normal part of Christian life (1Pet 2:9) Philip’s life, an example of intentional evangelism Wherever they went (Acts 8:4) they preached Preach the word (Acts 8:4) Tell the good news, announce, proclaim, declare The Word unites Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles, male/female, rich/poor, slave/free, Can it unite 1 Eunuch specifically excluded? (Acts 8:27, Dt 23:1, Isa 56:3-8) What is the Gospel Acts 2:22-24 for definition of “this word” Christ in all of Scripture (Acts 8:5,…

Sacrificial and Generous Living and Giving (Romans 12:1-8)

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, 1923 book of Prose poetry by Lebanese American Sacrifice is a response to the Gospel (Rom 12:1) Earnest appeal with affirmative response expected Sacrifice ought to be willing Holiness is possible Renouncing ourselves is implied Spiritual worship – only response that make any sense The opposite of sacrifice is worldliness (Rom 12:2) Don’t be pressed…